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I'm too busy to blog

too busy to blog face

See? That is my too busy to blog face.

(Actually, it's too busy to blog because I might be killing myself trying to use a Dell laptop ohmigod face.)

It's that time of year when work throws me down, strangles me, and then I sleep for 7 hours and do it again. Like today? After I finish using this awful piece of equipment to finish a project I might not even be proud of, I'm going on a day trip for work. I'll be working a lot of hours today is what I'm saying. Too busy to blog is what I'm saying. Some people can be really busy and still blog. I am not lose people. Sometimes, I'm not really busy and I still don't blog. So.

In the meantime, let me leave you with this:

Those are the happiest sounds in my life right now. People, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show. WATCH IT.


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Cheer up; you were looking at a Mac when the picture was taken (or so say the image headers)! =)

I was using TWO laptops at once. See, the Dell had the apps I was using, but was running so slowing that every time I alt-tabbed it too 3.5 minutes to complete the action. Waaaaah.

That show is amazing. AMAZING!!!

I watched all of season two on Saturday and my roommate said that if she heard that themesong one more time she was going to put my cat in the oven.

She is SERIOUSLY misguided.

We just started season two last night (watched season one last week). I have to work tonight and tomorrow night which TOTES bums me out because I WANNA WATCH.

Ugh..I hate using my toy Dell. I have to use if for work. This one has Vista too!

I have two on my desk..my Power Book G4 (still smokes even the best PC) and this Dell thing.

Every time I send something to my home office and they can't open it, they blame it on my Mac (I'm completely honest of it's use for work projects). And I'm all, "nu-uh...it's a pdf dork! Figure it out!"


I'll email you a crappy picture of my office...you'll get a kick.

What's the show?! I'm at work! I can't see it! Halp!

That show is so - wait for it- AWESOME! Especially Barney and Ted Mosby, Architect.

That may be your "too busy to blog" face, but it's awfully cute! I don't understand all the fuss about Mac vs. everyone else. If it connects me to my innernuts I'm happy, and can't tell the difference.

You are pretty.

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