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I'm not going to see Marley and Me

yeah, i'm not going to see marley and me

I was really looking forward to seeing Marley and Me. For one, Rachel Green. For two, Owen Wilson. For three, PUPPPPPY! The part of the trailer where Marley starts escaping from the movie car makes me laugh out loud every single time.

When I saw this headline in the LATimes I scoffed. I'm trained in journalism, and dudes, that is not a headline. I mean, they almost have something (barely) and then they tack on "which is not uncommon." Oh hai, not uncommon things are NOT newsworthy.

But as reports started to come in, people were telling me how SAD it was. People were sobbing. And the poorly-headlined article wove some yarns about how theaters emptied full houses of tears. That is so not my life plan. I avoid most animal movies for this reason. Somehow I thought this would be different. I mean, they spent so much money marketing this flick. And Jen and Owen. I mean, why would Jen and Owen make me cry??

So I read the Wackopedia entry which is what I do for all movies I'm curious about but don't want to see. And do you want to know a spoiler?

He dies of old age.

I still won't see it, but at least he doesn't get cancer or bite the neighbor and have to be put down.


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Yeah, it's a tearjerker. There's no denying it or getting around it. But if you're a reader, read the book. I read the book a couple of years ago (yes, also a tearjerker, cause surprisingly, the movie followed along with the real story very closely...not perfectly, but very closely). And if you still really want to avoid the end (which I don't advise cause, while sad, it's also very touching), you can always do what my sister-in-law did: she read until the dog was older, but still comfortable, and then just avoided the ending altogether, knowing how it ends up.

What was worse for me during the movie is that I knew every little thing that was going to happen, so during multiple parts of the movie, I was sobbing before the actors could get more than 2 words out of their mouths. (It also didn't help that I stupidly decided to see it on the day that my parents had to take my 12 year old dog to the vet, and it just made me think about my own dog's mortality.)

Anyway, my point is that it's a really good story. Tearjerker, without a doubt, but still a good, touching story.

I went with my family over the holidays and saw it. My mom is a big golden retriever fan and had read the book. Even if you know he is going to die you just can't take it because HELLO! it is sad to lose a pet.

I needed more kleenex.

I still think you should see it. It's a good movie.

Solidarity sister!

I don't ever plan on seeing this movie...well, unless I am having a depressing day at home and I can watch in on DVD while eating Ben & Jerry times ten!

Abs, I SAW THIS MOVIE and you KNOW how I am! I cried at Finding Nemo, for crying outloud. I had to take a nap after seeing Marley b/c it was so emotionally and physically exhausting!

The trailer made me think fun and happy...yeah, not so much.

I will not see this movie. Ever ever ever.

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