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Christmas Cracker


I picked up some firecracker-type party favors for New Year's Eve. Each one included a crown, a small toy, and a "joke." Many of them were LAME and then there was this one that made no sense.

We kept repeating it over and over trying to get an intonation that made sense.

Milky Baaaaaaaaaaa Kid? Milkyba Kid? Mil KyB Akid?

We gave up and drank some more instead.

I recently decided to Google it because the non-making-sense of it was driving me crazy. Sadly, there is an explanation.

Apparently, there is something called a Milky Bar somewhere in this world and it's mascot is the Milky Bar Kid.

Which, I mean, still a totally lame joke, but now it just fits in with the rest of them. No more mysteries here. I'm a little disappointed.


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We had those party favors, too. None of the jokes made sense, but the crowns were a big hit.

Oh, Google. Robbing the world of its mysteries, one fortune at a time.

We had some baffling Anglocentric jokes in our Christmas crackers too. It tended to result in a lot of puzzling, then the "a ha" moment, then a sort of fizzling noise when we realized that humor isn't funny when it has to be explained or researched.

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