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Merry Christmas, interneters!

Yesterday was the sixth birthday of my blog and I usually post something, but all I had to say was that. And maybe I was going to post a picture of birthday cake. Or a six-year-old. I hadn't really thought it out.

Instead of that, I'm going to show you some real pictures that I just uploaded. I had a whole month's worth of blurry photos saved up in my camera and now I get to torture you with them! Happy Holidays!

bro at uncommon ground in chicago
bro at uncommon ground in chicago
www.uncommonground.com/ I very recommend this restaurant! I had something with bourbon that tasted like candy to drink and then squash ravioli. Jeremy had an open face meatloaf sandwich. The meatloaf was wrapped in bacon. Also, some other things.

me and checkers
me and checkers
At my brother's apartment in Chicago. The cat was mine growing up. Now she lives in his closet.

me and bro in the frigid cold
me and bro in the frigid cold
I'm on the left, but he's wearing one of my hats and it I didn't know that I couldn't be both people in this picture, I would think I was both.

im sorry, but these are the cutest christmas tags ever
im sorry, but these are the cutest christmas tags ever
and you can't prove me wrong.

vacation: first monday
vacation: first monday
lucky charms. i can't take un-blurry pictures.

vacation: first wednesday
vacation: first wednesday
So I packed up for four days in the mountains, three days with my roommate's family, and then another four days back in the mountains. Also, I told my mom I'd do her Christmas shopping for her. In kind of seems like I was packing into the middle of nowhere, but Big Bear has a grocery store and everything. If you want a really detailed account of what's happening back there, click through for more description.

this is holiday
this is holiday
cabin in the mountains, warm wooly socks, red pajamas, wine.


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Merry Christmas, pumpkin! Hope you continue to have an amazing time. :)

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