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Some Unorganized Thoughts on
The Biggest Loser

This is the best show ever. I don't know if anyone else in the world is watching it--I just started this season--but you SHOULD. All the episodes are on the NBC site if you want to catch up.

The drama is better than any other show this season including Gossip Girl and The Hills (which has been totally phoning it in).

T-shirts are totes not flattering. This week they put the girls in leotards for 80s week and they looked SO MUCH better. And they should give the girls better sports bra. They exist. Post on that forthcoming.

It's NBC but it feels like Bravo. Like with the stalling before showing results and then cutting to commercial ALL THE TIME.

Oh, and the commercials built into the show. These crack me up because they act like it's not a commercial despite the fact that they're reading the Subway nutrition facts out loud or saying the full title of the Ziploc bag or Jello products they're selling. But a friend of mine bought some Cool Whip because she saw it on the show, so I guess it works. (She bought it because the lid looked cool, not because of the low calories. Also, I want to buy these cool vacuum seal bags I saw on an ep because they look cool. But I've resisted. I'm going to wait til the show is over so I can say I found them on my own.)

The trainers are a totally good time and I don't know how people can so easily choose between them because I love them both so much because they love their jobs and their trainees so much.

Jillian has pretty hair. But I don't know HOW she can have it in her face like that all the time.

The first episode I watched was the first one of this season and I was all, "oh no! it's so mean that they actually eliminate people!" but then I realized it was awesome because:

On other reality shows, when someone gets sent home they disappear into oblivion. But on TBL they still compete for the play-at-home prize and after they get eliminated they do a fast-forward and show us what they look like now.

Also, sometimes it makes me cry.


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vicky is a bitch. oops. did i say that aloud?

FACT. I hate her guts. TwoP calls her and Hebs nad Brady the HBV virus. However, Heba seemed better this ep. Back to the funny girl she was pre-game-playing.

I love watching "The Biggest Loser." I started last season (I was a late starter, too), and got totally hooked. And I haven't watched Tuesday night's episode yet, so I don't really know what happened, but do you hate Vicky as much as I do? Like, seriously, I want someone to punch her or something. And Heba ticks me off too, but not quite as much, but they are so mean girls when they get together. And I laughed and clapped when Amy C. voted Brady off last week!

Yes! Total mean girls! I was so nervous last week about who Amy C was going to vote for that I stood up. Best show.

You know, I haven't been watching this season, but I don't know why. Maybe I've been getting my weekly joyous-weeping from other sources? I always tear up when they show how their lives are changing-- total feel-good tv, though I'm with you on the sports bra point.

Watch! Watch and we can email about it!

Bah. Humbug. I'm a television Scrooge. Never saw Biggest Loser. Working in a gym for as long as I did left me not very interested in seeing people lose weight on TV.

Really? But it's REALITY TV which is way different than being in a gym. I promise. But the scale theatrics could get old, I guess.

Maybe my favorite show too. Did you see the Oprah last week where a bunch of old contestants came on and hugged and cried with Bob and Jillian about their new lives? Favorite.


I was mad about this week's results. Why Amy C, Why!?

I know, but for some reason I wasn't as on edge as I was last week. However, if blue stays "strong" or whatever and picks off all the black team, Amy C is still going to be the first to go after black is gone. Why is no one talking about that? Also, what happens at the end? I mean, when does voting each other off stop? I love this show.


RE: "Commercials" within TBL

Banana Chocolate Sundae. Love them!

PS: Vicki must go

"It's waaaaaay better than a real banana chocolate sundae!" *ding*

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