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Today was my BFF Elle's birthday. I didn't get to see her because she is a very busy person teaching classes and working at hospitals and getting her PhD. It's very cool knowing someone like her because I always have something to brag about. She had to evacuate for a little bit over the weekend because of the fires, but is back safely, yay.

I got her the Best Present Ever which I will show you as soon as I a) take a picture of it, b) wrap it, and c) give it to her. I'm mildly obsessed with getting the Best Present Ever so it's a good thing she doesn't really read this blog, otherwise she might feel guilty if she doesn't like it as much as she should. How could she not though? It's the Best! Ever!

I'm out of things to say. I had a bunch of pictures to show you, but my mom and are in the middle of a confusion about what happened to the camera cords so I'll have to upload from my office. Which always weirds me out because no matter how pure and innocent my pictures are, I still don't want the IT people seeing them. (Of course, I'm going to upload them to world wide web anyway, so I don't know why it matters.)

I posted at The Collective today. Go read that. It's at least fifteen percent more interesting than this.


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I look forward to seeing what the Best! Present! Ever! is.

I may or may not have been present when the Best! Present! Ever! was purchased, but I won't know until you show us what it is.

Also, IT people have far too much power in this society.

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