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My Thoughts On the Latest Gmail Updates

I've picked the Pebbles Gmail theme and I'm really liking it. I definitely did not realize how boring regular gmail was until I logged into another account and gasped in horror at the light blue. Blech. Pebbles make everything nice and gray and serene (just like my bedroom walls were supposed to be, but that's a different story for a different blog post).

I've also reorganized my labs:

  • Right-side labels means I'll actually access the label pages more often because I can easily see click them!
  • Nav bar drag and drop allowed me to allowed me to move around all my little side bar modules. Unfortch, it only works for the left side bar and can't edit or add to the right side bar with the labels--for the occasional in-browser chat, I think I'd like it over on the right. PS I kept my "invite a friend" module because it's so retro. Anyone need a gmail invite? I've got 96 left!
  • Custom label colors gives me a ton more solid colors for my labels. I love the way I can see what's in my inbox just by my masterful color-coding, but I always felt stilted by having to fit all the important email categories into only 12 colors. Nevermore! Mwahaha!
  • Mark as read button J. Crew, Clinique, and TicketMaster/Live Nation? I'm looking at you. This button makes it all the more easier to send you and your not-cool-enough-to-get-a-label away where I can't see them. (I don't delete because I might come back and read it later looking for a coupon code.)
  • Google Docs gadget This might be my favorite module and lab yet. It shows me the five most recent docs, links me to the main doc page, and has a new doc shortcut. I use Google Docs as much as I use Gmail because it is my go to place for writing down thoughts, lists, half written blog posts, links and text of my hotel stories, and on and on. I've been whining to myself daily on the wasted seconds of clicking Documents in the top left Gmail task bar, waiting for Docs to load, and then having to click File New. No more of that! Plus when I have to find all the scatterings I jotted down earlier today, it's so easy! Right there in my sidebar! Hallelujah!

I've got some other ones in there that are oldies but goodies, like Superstars and Email Addict which I'm still too addicted to use, but these new ones are really getting me excited about my email. Too bad it only makes my Google Docs to do lists longer.

Previous thoughts on Gmail: Just Another Reason Why Gmail is the Best Mail.


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I'm using the ninja theme. HIIIIYAAAA!

I'm using Silver Lining, and I did not know about that G-Doc gadget. Thank yours!

Oooh, I forgot about Google Labs - just went to enable the "mark as read" button. Thanks!

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