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So, who is totally bummed to be back at work today?

I had a fantastic Labor Day weekend full of all sorts of Labor Day Activities like outdoor concerts and grilling and afternoon naps. Howevs, somehows, yesterday I manufactured a cold from doing too many poorly-formed handstands in the swimming pool and now I'm a sniffling, snuffling, snot-filled zombie. Last night, the season premiere of Gossip Girl did not even get watched, so hopefully I'll jail break out of my office today to come home early and watch it, I mean, drink some tea and rest up.

Thank you so much for all the votes for the Southwest contest! I did make it into the top 10 which means I should be getting a phone interview. Now I just wait to hear from them. I'll feel anxious about it until I've got the interview penciled in and then I'll feel anxious that I'll still be the snuffling snot zombie and then I'll feel SO NERVOUS about what to say. That's the next project.

For now, I'm trying to talk myself into drinking lots of fluids. The not-fun kinds like water. Boo hoo.


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So I watched an episode of Gossip Girl for the first time yesterday. I think it was the season finale? There was a wedding and an evil girl got captured or something. It made me want to watch the whole thing. Damn it.

You need to watch GG as soon as possible so that I can obnoxiously post my favorite line in this post and not feel bad about it.

Ugh, I hate drinking water, even though the Collective told me to.

I hope you feel better, and yay for the interview! I totes voted for you, obviously.

Yea for the Southwest blogger interview!! I made people at work vote for you :)

I'm doing it now and you better be ready, Motherchucker.

(That was it.)

Good timing. Just finished watching it. I'll be posting my favorite quotes tomorrow.

I heart water.

Congratulations! on the phone interview. You are going to rock that shit, for real. Know how I know? Lefty O'Doul's told me so.

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