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Unbelievably Delicious

Have you guys tried Uncrustables? This is like my new favorite all-time snack. I can't stop thinking about them. We went out for fancy Italian food tonight, and it was really good, but I love these things so much I think I would have enjoyed an Uncrustable just as much. It's kind of like a donut, and kind of like the best part of white bread, and there is no worries about jelly spillage or too much peanut butter. It is factory manufactured perfection. And, it's vegan so it's not even that bad for you (right?). This is the new Ramen Noodles, I swear. Mmmmmmm.


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I wish I liked peanut butter an jelly. You're making me hungry.

They have different kinds. Like with cheese. Heather Nicole was going to get those at the store yesterday. Maybe she will chime in with a review.

As a recent graduate, I can verify that, at least at my school, Uncrustables were the way to go. A quick lunch in between classes or a quick dinner so you can drink sooner. Uncrustables > Ramen.

Oooo! I hadn't yet thought of having these during drinking parties. PERFECT!

I am obsessed with these 100 calorie pack Reese cup bar thingies. They taste just like Nutty Bars.

What is a Nutty bar? Is that like a Bullseye?

OMG. You're like Kendra in Italy asking about Olive Garden.

That is false. Because that would require uncrustables to be LESS good than an actual pb&j and that is not true.

I KNOW! Uncrustables are awesome!

Just be careful with the Peanut Butter Honey ones!

You know, now that I read it again I remember seeing it before and thinking, "I should try those." Credit to you!

We take uncrustables for a hiking snack. Excellent. But PB&J is the only way to go.

So many possibilities!! Have you tried the cheese? Is it bad?

These are Nutty Bars and they are SO. GOOD.

Okay, now I get it.

My favorite Little Debbie is Devil Squares.

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