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There's no rest for the weary heart.


Can you guess how sunburned I am?

It's not Amanda's leprosy but it's bad enough that I can't stop complaining about it. Last night my mom was taking Carolyn and I out to dinner and she suggested we walk. I was all, "Bllllllllllllllllllargh, can't we DRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE?!" And my mom was all, "What is wrong with you?" And Carolyn, all resigned, was like, "she's been like this all day."

My desk chair at work which I LOVE (just searched my blog and I can't believe I've never written about this chair. It's called Sexy Back and it is made of mesh and chrome and is infinitely cooler than anything else I own, save my headlamp which is THANKGOD found) is causing me pain. I can't lean back into Sexy Back, I have sit up all proper like. Which is a total waste of the chrome and mesh head rest.

I think the word you're looking for is ANYWAY.

I have a good story about why I'm sunburned and it will probably be best with pictures which I don't have yet, SO INSTEAD, here is a photo from the last time I got really sunburned (thank you, geocaching) at Emily's wedding.


The anxiety is still with us. Hoping to stifle it before my haircut and birthday party on Wednesday.


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You may be sunburned but I am Paper! Snow! A ghost!

Wear less sunscreen.

I got sunburned, too! Sunburn twins!

Copy cat!

(I don't know.)

Do you know how tired I am? SO TIRED. I think I have a fun hangover.

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