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Lost and Found (except only lost)

Well golly. I wrote a whole post about how my friends made me make a list of things I want for my birthday and how the whole thing makes me feel awkward, but then I felt awkward posting it. I love getting presents, but asking for them makes me feel awkward. And talking about asking for them makes me feel even more awkward. So I'm shutting up now.

I have a date with the DMV. (Meltdown mode doesn't happen for no reason.) I need to register my car and it's already late (30 days) and there is all this drama with a surcharge related to a parking ticket that I paid and so hopefully if I prove it was paid they will reduce the high, high amount I owe to register my car. Then I have to take the car to the mechanic and have him smog test it. Which... I don't think I'm going to pass. Boooo. (Then I give the mechanic a million dollars and he fixes it, so I can have the privilege of owning a car. Sigh. At least I've stopped using it. If that makes it better.)

But tonight I got to see Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 and it was heart-warming and perfect. Also, themed-party:

traveling pants party

orville totally totes popcorn in this case

Orville totally totes popcorn in this case.

Laundry is still not done which is SO A PROBLEM, but it has become insolvable. And the headlamp? Is causing me panic. I NEED it this weekend and I'm running out of time to get a replacement. Let's do some brainstorming as to where it can be.

I had it the night of Emily's wedding. I really, really don't think I left it at my aunt's house because she would have found it by now and I've been there since then.

I think I put it back it the "electronics satchel" I travel with. And I think (like Winnie the Pooh, tapping my noggin) I took it out of that satchel when packing for BlogHer because there wasn't enough room for it. I remember thinking at the hostel that I was an idiot not to bring my headlamp to the one place where it's actually necessary.

But I could be creating all these memories like the incident at the library yesterday.

I haven't scoured my room yet because I'm nervous. Sigh. Any ideas? Anyone heard me talk about it or seen it?


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Just FYI, your b-day present will most likely be late. Because I suck. I haven't even sent Kat's present yet. Because I suck.

Talking about the presents is making me feel awkward.


I'm jealous of your Sisterhood party. I'm seeing it tomorrow morning :( Also, you really should post a list because then I might send you a present. And you should not feel awkward about it because I love sending people things.

I like (LOVE) getting things. I just don't like asking for them. Surprise me!

Yeah, probably under all that crap on your chair.

And..... is it too sad to tell me about the pants? or is that another blog story?

I know what I'm getting you for your birthday!!!!!!

"That crap" is clean, folded clothes. Do you know how big a deal that is? I don't let myself put clothes there unless they're folded. Unfolded clothes go in the basket on the floor. THERE IS A SYSTEM.

Right. And you might include in your defense that your "system" includes several baskets on the floor. Now which "system" directs your process?


August 17. The 10 days of festivities began yesterday.

E-mail me your address :)

Despite the fact that you already have it, I am sending it again so that you can have it saved in gmail, the best email platform eva.

Yeah . . . I'm an idiot and deleted that email. That was a long time ago! Like, two months! I am making excuses!


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