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Remember what I said about her being ready for the home?

IMG_2392.JPG So, bwahahahaha, my rear passenger tire blew out today. As in flap-flap-flap-flap!

(That's the sound of tire shreds hitting my wheel well.)

(The photo is documentation of the second time this happened. See the missing rubber?)

I'm so glad this didn't happen on the top of San Diego.

Since I'm used to this drill, I called the number in my wallet and they sent a driver out right away. My car is at the tire place right now and will be all better tomorrow. This tire was the last original tire, so it's kind of like she's all grown up now because she lost all her baby teeth. Except it's more like she's lost all her big kid teeth too, because she's not going to make it much longer.

Two out-of-the-ordinary things:

The dispatcher was a little bit sexist. She was very kind and sympathetic, and since I don't take undeserved sympathy, I shooed it away and said, "Oh, no, this is my own fault!" And she said, "No, your car is a boy and it is doing this TO YOU. That's what I always tell my husband." Interesting, lady. I definitely did get served faster though because I was female and alone. She said, "I have three sisters, and I know they would kill me if I didn't bump you to the top of the list." I feel like I am one of the least helpless people I know so it always weirds me out to be treated this way. Especially since I was in the 'burbs! Also, I think I might unintentionally use a helpless girl voice when I make the call.Hmm.

My tow truck driver was super nice (although he relied a bit too much on his clearly malfunctioning GPS). My initial plan was to have him drop my car off at the tire place and I would walk to my friend's house and borrow a car. In fact, I strategically ended my flap-flap getaway near my friend's house. However, the driver informed me that he couldn't leave my car anywhere without me being there. I asked him if I could get a ride back to his garage (several blocks from my house) and I could just walk from there. He graciously gave me a ride all the way home (after we ditched the limping vehicle) and then coached me on how to lie to his dispatch (they're not allowed to do anything but tow the vehicle). I'm a little scared of getting him in trouble. So, uh, don't tell.

The upside is that this finally pushed me to do some research I've been meaning to do forever. Good news: there are several bus routes near my house, gym, and work and they're really easy and cheap! After I've tested in all out and found a rhythm, I'll be sure to brag about it. Rhythm is really hard to spell.


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» how i wish that it would snow now from Abigail M. Schilling
I bet you're wondering what came from yesterday's three unsettled things: JetBlue I haven't solved things yet with JetBlue. It's kind of breaking my heart because I loved them so much and now they're acting douchey like every other airline.... [Read More]


I love public transportation so much. Too bad I live in the country.

Meeee tooo. It's like FREE TIME.

I want to start using the bus because gas is expensive. But I'm afraid I'll get lost. This one time in kindergarten I forgot to get off at my bus stop and rode the bus all the way back to where the buses live at night.

Oh, sweet little Jennie. Unless you were just running away from home.

You made getting a flat sound like a pleasant experience-- you have, like, perspective and stuff. I'm glad that it worked out okay. I'm kind of afraid of riding the bus-- I know how to ride the subway, but buses seem more complicated. Yes, I'm almost 30-- why do you ask?

Dude, buses are really easy! I used to do it when I was in high school all the time. Maybe I should come out there and be your bus coach.

I just read this post to B-town and his response: "So Abs, you gonna check your tire pressure from now on?"

you are loved :)

You know what, B-Town, for that, I'm going to blame the off roading.

Heather Anne! is so right on. It IS free time. I have always envied people who got to take the bus or train to work.

The italics are me, Abigail. And envy away!

Well, I'm glad you have the public transportation option, cuz it sucks to not be able to get anywhere.

Also, this was an entertaining post, and yet all I can think of now is how hard rhythm is to spell. I have the same problem with rhyme too.

My car is all fixed now... but I am poorer. Such is life. When I start adding my savings from taking PT, I'm going to have to subtract the cost of the new tires. Siiiiigh.

Sometimes I wish I had a driving companion. Not necessarily to talk to. Just someone to put air in my tires, gas up the car and wash the windows. A dog would be nice, too.

(Abigail, great meeting you at Blogher!)

Yes, I shall call that companion a butler and s/he will also clean my house and do my laundry.

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