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I'm going to BlogHer.

I'm Going to BlogHer 08

I'm getting on a plane again today for San Francisco, to attend the aforementioned conference and spend time with some family. I waited til the last minute to pack, but I was able to stay ORGANIZED. I should be embarassed about this, but I'm not: each outfit is contained within it's own baggie. So, Friday morning I wake up and grab the Friday bag. I even wrote on the outside which sweater to grab. Hopefully, people I meet don't come read this post right away and discover I'm a FREAK.

(I am a freak. Please still like me.)

The conference will be really exciting because there are SESSIONS about EVERYTHING. I hope to learn a lot and also get motivated to be a better writer. Additionally, I'll be ....

I'm liveblogging BlogHer 08

liveblogging several sessions for the site and posting them here. Unfortunately, they have been pretty explicit about it being totally objective with no additional commentary so I doubt they'll be very fun to read. I mean, um, I can write technically! Stay tuned.

Because I'm liveblogging I get to go for free and you know how much I love free stuff. BlogHer is known for the excessive free stuff so stay tuned for gushing about that. Yay!

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Wow, I am so in awe of your daily clothes baggies. You'll have to let me know how it goes. I think I'm too indecisive to pull off that maneuver.

I don't think you're a freak. That's exactly how I pack, except I don't put stuff in baggies and label the days.

Except for Philly. For Philly I just threw stuff into a suitcase until I couldn't fit anymore.

Gah! Jealous. More about being in San Francisco than anything else, because I love love love that city.

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