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yes, yes, i complain a lot, move along

Our management company SUCKS BALLS.

About a month ago our locks started being finnicky. It would take precision to get the key into the lock just right to actually turn. Katherine's key stopped working all together. The front door was worse than the back door, so we figured it was a wear-and-tear thing. I mean, normal locks last forever, but here in the land of crazy locks only last one year. Since I know they know they do shitty work, I called to tell them to replace our locks straight away because we can no longer lock our doors (this is a bit of an exaggeration because the back door still works, kinda, but there's no telling how long it will last before it too gives out).

I called them last Wednesday. As in EIGHT days ago. I called them again on Monday. I called them Wednesday. We even made an appointment, because, for nonsensical reasons, someone needed to be present for the rekeying. The appointment was this morning. After the thirty minute window passed I called and they said they forgot. They would come while I was at work and just leave the new key on the table. (Why I needed to be there in the first place, I don't know. Obviously I didn't.) I got home late tonight, expecting to find a new key.

This is a boring ending because you already know what's coming.


I wish there was some way I could retaliate. Like withhold rent or something.

There are many other problems with our house like a shitty garage and a leaking faucet, but it's just not worth fighting with them. Our rent is dirt cheap and I don't really know why because these are the kind of people who would totally exploit renters (obvs). So I don't think they know it's dirt cheap. SO WHY ARE THEY STUPID? WHY? GAH.


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See, again, this is just why you should be in charge of everything.

Free rent for everybody!

Boooooo for sucky management companies.


Umm please answer the question on my blog even if you don't have an answer. We're brainstorming here, people.

I will answer your question at dinner.

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