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why you should be playing clusterz

Clusterz at Shockwave Games

It remembers what level you were on when you revisit the site days later.

It has an attractive interface without oppressive ads.

When you don't pass a level, it let's you replay it, easy peasy.

There is no complicated trajectory/force formula. You just point and click.

The colors are pretty.

It has a Z in the title.

It passes the time.

Passing the next level always seems possible even though it sometimes isn't.

It's consistent.

At the completion of each level, it tells you how you rank against all other players. This has the awesome effect of making you feel less nerdy.

It isn't timed, so you don't need to worry about pausing it before alt-tabbing when your boss walks in.



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Thank you! I shall be using this today. Also, have you played Fancy Pants Man? Because that game totally rules.

I do not know this game. I will be finding it today.

Look what I found: a guy who beat level 19!


How did he do it!? Should we harass him?

Ok, scratch that. I totally just beat level 19.

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