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Hello! Internet!

I have missed you!

So much!

My family thing is over with, I think, cross your fingers, and thank God for that. The short version is: there was a death in the family. The long version is: the family is only related by blood. The good news is: it wasn't emotional for me. The bad news is: it was emotional for just about everyone else and I had to be there. Sometimes I got to be really useful like installing the wireless router. Other times, I was very not useful and contributed only negatively to already negative-charge situation. It was really truly a horrible experience, one of the worser ones of my life, and it brought out so many of the bad sides of me. It brought out good sides too, I suppose, and I made a good impression on these people I'm related to that I don't really know, but I still wasn't able to handle the situation with all my resources, and for that I am disappointed. Also, I hate being reminded that there are still ways I can grow.

I am hesitant to write concluding thoughts because I just don't trust that it's over.

So, in the mean time, while I knock on wood, let's talk about something else.

Do you visit The Collective every day? Because there is a no reason not to. Firstly, there is a new post every single day (except for the weekend). AND we all write on the same topic every week, which I think is kinda cool if I do say so myself. This week we're writing about our addiction to the internet and how much we read of it--using the magic of Google Reader. You must check it out.


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"Sometimes I got to be really useful like installing the wireless router."

Jeez, this sounds like my family: they are happiest to have me around when I am provided free tech support.

Sorry you've been having a rough time of things lately. Hope life looks up for you soon.

Thanks, you're sweet. Also, I am not even good at wireless routers. Wish you were in my family.

What is this "Collective" you speak of?

Also,I'm pretty sure you could take over the world if you really put your mind to it.

Let's hope I don't then. I don't think it would turn out very well.

well, i think the good news is that everyone, no matter how old they are, has room to grow. especially if that everyone is me.

i'm proud of you, friend.

but growing hurts.

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