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short, tall, light, dark,
caf, decaf, lowfat, nonfat

I go to Starbucks a lot. Not every day because then my doctor would have some words with me (did you know that too much caffeine is bad for ladies?). But I do go enough to make my doctor kind of glare at my over the top of her glasses. ("Decaf! I get decaf half the time! And also! I get nonfat milk on account of my tummy!" She is undeterred.)

ANYWAY, there is a Starbucks right next to my building. I've been a patron of this store for about six years which feels CRAZY on account of I don't think I've stuck with anything else in the universe that long. Except my name, I guess? Does that count?

Tomorrow is a very exciting day at the Starbucks. The site declares, "We're doing something big at Starbucks. Venti big." They go on to say that you'll just have to come see what is happening, they can't give away the surprise. Shhhhh.

Before I tell you why you should go to this Something Big, let me just mock the 'Bucks a little.


That's the big announcement. The highlighted part at the bottom says, "Howard Schultz Transformation Agenda Communication #12." What, pray tell, could this communication be about, Howard?

"Next week we will experience one of the most significant moments in the history of our company. After much anticipation, we will introduce our new coffee, Pike Place Roast, which we will serve everyday in our U.S. company-operated stores. ... We are so very proud of what we have achieved, so let’s talk about it! And we will be doing just that across the U.S. next week, with major coast-to-coast celebrations beginning in New York City and ending in Seattle."

Geez, Howard, way to give the away surprise.

The celebrations begin at noon Eastern, 9 am Pacific at all stores, and you can bet your ass you'll be getting a free cup of Pike Place. Some other exciting changes are happening (customer incentives, better and cheaper wireless) and hopefully they'll launch those tomorrow too! Be there!

Update: press release


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Howard is a creep, but a marketing whiz. Watch the magician's hands 'cuz while you're celebrating with a free cup (which, btw, only are given away as "talls" and usually only for the first couple hours of the day - no rain checks) he'll be increasing prices on everything else. Some day the world will wake up and smell his coffee. heh heh

Free coffee is free coffee. And besides, the incentives will save me so much money this year.

hey lady, SF might be back on now that the IBM matter is settled (for now). it really depends on how well the caps do in the playoffs, but how much notice do you need?

Tall! Decaf! Cappuccino!

Yes. (I had to go into my blog archives and see which lines from that scene I'd already used.)

At all my local independent coffee shops I can get free wireless. Why won't Starbucks do that? Huh, Howard?

Oh! But they are! Stay tuned... hopefully they'll make the switch soon.

The UK didn't give away free coffee, which made me sad.

also, starbucks has become my second home. i hope they don't get free internet though, because i only go there to get work done and internet = less work done.

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