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It's like I have ESPN or something!

Today my hair was doing its best imitation of what it would look like if I let it air dry which means I will definitely not ever be letting it air dry. I've been experimenting with going to the gym in the morning before work and aside from the major time suck that it is plowing through my life, I kind of like it. Of course, I've also been experimenting with the free gym shampoo because FREE! But I think I've decided--or am in the process of deciding--that I just need to bring my own shampoo. Because things with my hair are just not working out. And before I start blaming my stylingskillz, I'm going to throw some money at the problem and see if non-free shampoo settles the situation.

Something else I'm in the process of deciding is whether I should go through the laborious processing of searching through my junk drawers for headphones (ear buds? ear phones?). I obviously have never made a habit of using these new fangled devices, but I always keep the ones I get on airplanes because FREE! See the gym offers "Cardio Cinema" which is not that cool thing at Jennie's gym but a thing where you can plug in headphones to your fitness machine and get the sound for the TVs! There are like seven different TVs. Unfortunately, they don't give you seven choices and it's usually stuck on CNN, ESPN, ESPN2, and Morning Shows. I try to read subtitles for Morning Shows, but have you tried it? Running and reading and watching all at the same time? Or how about when it's time for the weather and you're trying to read and watch the moving, storming map, AND the subtitles are always like nine seconds delayed? Marlee Matlin was on today on the Morning Shows and I COULD NOT figure out who was saying what because she was signing, and there was her TV Dance Partner who was talking, and then four hosts in New York one of which was trying to impress Marlee by signing. And they were talking over each other and my head exploded. I think I need to find those headphones.

Good talk.


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I totally quit my gym. I did it for Chandler and Ross.

my hair is so homeschool today that i actually went and bought products on my lunch break to tame it.

it's now greasy homeschool. hot.

one time at work i decided my hair was so greasy that i went to cate's at lunch to take a shower.

My hair is currently in a state. The State of New York. And many other states I'll not mention. Empathy.

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