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I got new sheets!

I realize they're a little college, but I'm sleeping on a mattress on the floor so what do you expect? (Also, when I was in college I was deep in my blue and white phase, remnants of which still cluttered the outer corners of my life until I recently threw away the last deformed blue throw pillow.)

My mother will be especially excited about this development on account of she COULD NOT BELIEVE I was sleeping on burlap sheets. I still stand by the burlap, I never felt as though they were too rough or not worthy of sleeping on, and I will continue to buy a $1.99 burlap fitted sheet at IKEA whenever I'm there. It's just good sense.


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i love these sheets!


I've slept on them. They're not normal. Unless you like, live in a shack and are named Clete.

Or Volchok?

Those are pretty.


Even Julie Cooper would have taught Marissa better than to sleep on burlap.

False. Remember when Marissa was a lesbian? Did THAT have Julie's stamp o' approval?

The sheet colors look fab with your blog header so it's all good.

(found you thru Schmutzie)

P.S. And, actually, I found you thru The Collective, and found it thru Schmutzie (I knew Schmutzie was in there somewhere).

Thanks and welcome!


I'm indifferent but aim to please!

I remember the blue and white phase. Also the toga phase. Or was it a phase? And the cobra phase.

Hope you are doing well. I haven't seen you in a while.

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