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it was a theme wedding

Because I am very famous and popular, I got to see a sneak preview showing of the new chick flick Katherine Heigl vehicle, 27 Dresses Sunday. It was a 2:30 showing so Julia and I had time to kill after our early, early lunch. (I demanded we eat at Chipotle AS SOON AS IT OPENED.) Time was killed looking for free firewood (successful!) and then going to Old Navy because The Sale? It is the Most Important Thing in My Life. We got matching shirts (because three dollars and duh) and I got a bag that is the size of Maine. It will look great when I take my fictional self on a shoreline tour of the state with my nautical bag. In the mean time, if you know of any L.L.Bean-themed parties--or anyone who needs to borrow an exceptionally large canvas bag--let me know.

Even with our really good planning, we didn't get into the actual theater until 2:15 and the room was swarming with women. Julia has a thing with sitting too close to the front (which makes sense) and I was worried that we wouldn't be able to find two seats together that weren't in the very front row and then! Then! I would have nothing to brag about. (I obviously wasn't thinking clearly as I had forgotten that if all else failed I could brag about my awesome bag.) Thankfully, we were able to find two seats together, in a not-too-close, not-too-far row and catch the tail end of the Regal First Look. The movie was cute and even funny in many parts but the real gem was James Marsden.

I don't mean to gush, but he's just sooo cute. And in the movie he is a writer AND he's cynical about marriage. Hot? Very yes. Unfortunately, the movie was fairly formulaic and he ends up falling for Katherine Heigl who is all blah blah weddings rock. Which is discouraging for those of us who are not Heigl and want Marsden. Also, non-sequitur, people forgive way too easily in romantic comedies. Writers should scale back the shit they put their characters through if there isn't going to be due reparation is all I'm saying.

But don't get me wrong. The movie was fun, and didn't even piss me and my gender-related views off even though it was about weddings. Now that's hard to do. Plus, it was a veritable who's who of everyone I love in show biz: Heigl (Grey's Anatomy), Marsden (Enchanted), Judy Greer (13 Going on 30), Jan from The Office, Sanjay from Weeds, and Lucy from Gilmore Girls.

James Marsden is apparently happily married and has two small children which means that we won't be happily ever after in this world. But maybe in the fictional world where my bag and I live in Maine, I am blah blah blah weddings rock and me and James are lovey dovey.

Oh, and for the record, I saw it at the regular movie theater, I got my tickets on Fandango just like everybody else, it was only cheap because it was matinee, and I wouldn't have even known about it if Heather Anne hadn't texted me on Saturday.


Today, at The Collective Heather Anne isn't embarrassed to gush about the Gossip Girl books.


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I love Judy Greer. I like Katherine Heigl, just not on Grey's. Also! James Marsden is hot.

That's all.

PS: Did you take the Chipotle challenge?

Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

a) Did you see the trailer for that remake McDreamy is doing of My Best Friend's Wedding? Only redeeming thing is it's in Scotland.

Also, it looks like maybe he will stop being an asshole. And since it's a movie he'll stay that way. Unlike Grey's.

b) When the SatC trailer (which I have seen a dozen times) came on, I told Amy that the women in the theater would be so excited. She said they were too old, that none of them had watched SatC.

Jenny got really excited about the trailer and I was like IT'S NOT A TRAILER. (I have some reused-footage rage.)

c) When Heigl and Marsden started doing it in the car, the women around us were all, "Well, I never!" And Amy was all, "Told you they didn't watch SatC."

d) The thing about this movie that made me happiest: Jan!

Yes, loved her. But seriously? They made her the boss?

As you know, I am unhappy with Jan's character development on The Office. I was just glad to see her not being crazy. And with regular-sized bazongas.

Seriously, Jan's character on The Office? What Heather Anne said.

I'm not really in an arguing mood right now, so I'll keep this short. While it's kind of annoying that the she-boss is crazy, I don't think her character changed to crazy. I don't think there was discontinuity.

I was with them until the giant boobs.

Your advice was good, but Jan's was bigger.

I don't watch The Office, but apparently I should. I think I will see anything Heigl does, even thought i despise romantic comedy.

And the Old Navy sale? I've been back three separate times.

Three times for me too, PLUS the people at 1-800-OLD-NAVY know me by name.

And for the love of all that is good, please watch The Office.

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