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One of these days we’re get off of our butts and rent Die Hard again!

I've been having an... emotional day. Some people chock these sorts of events up to hormones. Sadly, I've never been able to claim that for me. If it is "hormones" then my "hormones" are a different schedule than everything else... if you know what I mean.

I can sometimes chock these sorts of "mood swings" up to exhaustion, but sometimes, it just feels as though the world is turning against me. And why? Well, the world is turning against me because I make so much sense. "Too logical" the world determines and then I am throw under a bus.. or forced to deal with illogic. And has there been a more hypocritical (right word? ironic? what?) sentence than the one I just typed? No.

I hate blogging on these sorts of days because I am brimming with all sorts of wrought feelings and I can't wrangle them into words that should be posted in a public forum. I bumble around with half sentences until I end them in a tirade against unsuspecting douchebags who, even in their douchiest days, don't deserve to get all shamed without their permission. (But, if this was The Hills and your name was Spencer Douchebag, I would LOVE to shame you and you'd deserve it since you signed up for this show! Everybody should watch that show.)

Working through a complicated favor that I had promised a friend, I called my car insurance company this morning. After a short wait (which was so short that I am very impressed and feel the need to defend at least that portion of the company's service) I got to talk to a young man who sounded exactly like Justin Long (the kid in the mac commercials and Die Hard 4.. and a bunch of other stuff).

Me: Question: does my policy cover me if I borrow a friend's uninsured car?

Justin: Yes. Buuuuuuuuut, if you get pulled over, a cop won't care.

Me: The hell?

Justin: Some cops are just sketchy about it.

Me: But if they called you, Justin, and you told them that my policy covered it, what would the problem be?

Justin: Your logic baffles me.

Me: Why am I paying for a policy that APPARENTLY doesn't mean anything?

Justin: Sorry, that is just how the law is.

Then I started to cry because that is what happens when I am being weak and emotional and have to talk to people on the phone. So I thanked Justin for his "help" and got off the phone.

Anyone have any insight into this problem? I plan to call the company back and talk to someone else (Bruce Willis, maybe?) and see if I can get a more clear answer, but I'm going to have to wait for a day when I'm not panicking about life from the inside out.


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It's not hormones. It's 2007's fault, but don't worry. It's almost over.

what jennie! said.

What Kat! said!

And also. Yippie kay yay. Mofo.

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