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Jumping time zones makes me feel robbed.

I'm going out of town tomorrow (Friday) and I am once again, not feeling as prepared as the hypothetical me always feels I should be. I'll only be gone for three nights. three nights totally-easy-to-pack-for nights.

Today was an (unexpected, of course) extra long day at work and it's no one's fault but my own. I hate it when that happens. It's a good lesson; to fail so hard that it takes fiction to blame someone else. I surprised myself with my ability to take the blame, to know better than to try to pass it off. It gives me confidence in (all) those times I blame others. Clearly, they deserve it.

Anyway, I didn't get to follow my hypothetical schedule which involved doing a load of laundry (complete with time to air dry everything), watching two TV shows, perhaps a third (still haven't seen last night's ANTM or Gossip Girl, XOXO), and packing, AND plenty of lying around time. Instead, I managed to watch the two shows (Grey's, Survivor), complain about how tired I was all the way through, and then, start to pack before really needed this lying around time. As a result, I am bringing dirty laundry with me and will not be showering before getting on the plane. Gross? Very yes.

I got a huge Starbucks card as a gift today which was AWESOME. However, I totally forgot it at my office. Sooo, in the morning, when I leave my house at 5:30 for the airport, I will stop at the Bucks and pay cash knowing I could be using a card. Booo. You know what's scary? This post is the least whiny I've been in days.

I need to go pack some more dirty clothes. If you know where I can watch ANTM online before it's up on the CW player Sunday night, please email me. I need to watch it ASAP so I don't get spoiled.

Oh, ALSO, this is the first trip in over two years where I won't have a laptop. Yes, I feel panicky. (But I've saved 25 percent towards a new one! And while that isn't exactly the same as, you know, being able to write blog posts in the airport, or checking my email as often as I like, or reading the internet intravenously, it still feeeeeeels good to know that some day I will have a new baby to fuss over through airport security.)

Now I'm really packing. Promise.


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So, I turned off comment verification last night because I knew I would be away from the internet all day long and I thought my blog could handle it.

Got up this morning and I had like five spam comments. So It's back on. Sorry. Comment anyway!

give heather a hug for me.

know what makes me feel robbed? coming back here and seeing no new posts.

also, you can't retaliate with a but-you-never-update line because my updates are crap and yours, in turn, are not, so in the words of a.a. milne, update your blog, dillhole.

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