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Ignore the squinting

Oh, internet, do I have a treat for you! Yes, you guessed it: the footage from my game show appearance. It aired last Wednesday. The rules are a little bit Bamboozled but try to keep up.

Some disclaimers:

a) They forced me to wear that much makeup.

b) I am NOT wearing fake eyelashes.

c) In addition to this face, I do a lot of tossing of my head. Much like a horse. I think it's because they made me not touch my hair. And wear it behind my shoulders.


My other post about my appearance is here.


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So, so famous.

I know, I'm one step away from President now.

You've got my vote.

Awesome, I've worn the exact same jeans every day this week. I am totally responsible enough to be president.

So, Jennie! is VP, and Kat! is Chief of Staff, right? Ooooh, this is all so West Wing-ey, I'm getting chills!! Mostly, you ROCKED!!!! That was awesome! I would so crack under all that pressure, but you just ROCKED!

Shari, if I'm president, I'm going to put you in charge of the really important things. Like getting the Chief of Staff her booze. Also, you should probably make all the decisions.

Congratulations! You did great!

Joe, people probably tell you this all the time but you are the nicest person ever. Really.


I'm an excellent guesser.

I am so glad I know you won, because the first two are really painful to watch. However, you've got great comebacks for the host.
I think I'll watch the other two in the a.m.
So glad you won. They probably thought you were sandbagging at the beginning to throw old Andrew off!

Yay you! I was so tense watching, and trying to figure it out, too!

I love how you comment after every turn. Good job!

I feel the need to explain the jabbering I do throughout the entire game. Basically, in the game show biz, they are looking for contestants that have PERSONALITY and ON SCREEN PRESENCE. They want to NOTICE you. Once you appear on a game show, you can get on the game show circuit if producers like you. So I was putting myself out there. A lot. It's actually really painful for me to listen to all those comebacks. Anyway, hopefully it pays off and I get asked to be on another show!

WOW! You rock.

The way you guys"competed" definitely reflects your personalities and strengths.

Very fun to watch. No, as a mother, the first part was not fun to watch.

But watching your quick responses to "Tommm" was fun. Wit under pressure.

And watching you win was very fun. I just love that knowing the question and answer was your win! Thank God for Sr. Miriam and Torrey.

Moms are the easiest audience ever.

I feel partly responsible for you missing the R Kelly question.

But great job!

You are FULLY responsible. Way to let me down.

This might be the funniest--no, this IS. This is the funniest game show I have ever seen.

Then you should see my real life. It's a 24/7 joke.

my favorite part is CORN DOG!

Why why why did I have to YELL the answers like that?

Ok, I got so stressed out watching those...i had to keep reminding myself that you were going to win and that yelling at my laptop wasn't going to help.

The host should have encouraged more comments from you. You would up their ratings for sure :)

Maybe MTV saw it and I'll get my own ridiculous show.

And yes, I scared myself will my inability to get points most of the game.


Thank you!

I agree with Heather. My favorite part is also CORN DOG.

I'd be more embarrassed but I just won five thousand dollars.

well done. Having already known you won, i was a bit curious how you were going to pull it off when you went on a spree of really random knowledge. And yes, CORNDOG! was the best part.

Really Random Knowledge is pretty much my life motto. Now if only I could fine a full time job that lets me do this.

The thing about corn dog is that I was just so excited to get one right. To actually KNOW an answer that I forgot to KEEP IT COOL, SCHILLING. Oh well.

Ha! That's so awesome. What will you do with the money?

I'm going to pay off a big (huge) chunk of my high-interest debt. Which is a totally boring answer but will totally change my live. I don't have the money yet though. Booo. (The show has 90 days from the air date to pay me.)

Congrats, Abigail! You were fabulous!
Maybe with your wealth of Really Random Knowledge you could write for the show.

ooooh, that's a good idea. now i just have to climb that crazy hollywood ladder.

I really enjoyed watching these clips :)

Congratulations! $5000! Sensible thing to do to pay the debt off... but... but... but $5000 could have got you 3 months in London and a lot more elsewhere!

Shopping Tourism from London to America is increasing and I might just indulge in that next year! (Though Rome is first on my list).

London blog updated.

Happy new year! Take care, Abigail!
Aakanksha, x

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