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Patricia makes coffee nervous

Do you guys know how much I You've Got Mail? So much. So much that I could probably watch it every day and never get sick of it. It is a mystery to me how people don't like it. It's funny, it's quotable, it has lovable characters.

Last night, after a long day of--you guessed it--work, I came home all slumped and bedraggled. I moaned about dinner. I moaned about taking a shower. I moaned about street sweeping. I moaned about my sheetless bed. But then I heard that Warners Bros. music that I associated with You've Got Mail long before I ever got Friends on DVD.

Carolyn and Katherine were watching it. I guess Katherine got tired of Carolyn saying, "Get in another line." And me saying, "Happy Thanksgiving Back." But how can we be expected to watch Grey's Anatomy every week and not be inclined to give Callie a shout out to the old days?

You know the other reason I love this movie? Greg Kinnear. Greg Kinnear is my favorite actor. He just... he steals the show. Always. I love him.

"Thank yours."

Do you see this? How I ramble? Forever? About nothing? This is why I need a job that is watching movies. Then I won't bother you people.

Here's the only clip I could find on YouTube:


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Also! Pride & Prejudice! I bet you just love that MR. DAAAARCY.

True story: sophomore year, my roommate and I would put You've Got Mail in the VCR and start watching it. Then we'd go to class and pause it and continue it when we got back. When it was over? We'd rewind it and watch it again. I luvs that movie and I don't know why.

I get lost in the language. Words like thither and mischance.

I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I watched it last weekend all by myself and it was the best decision of the week. There is something so warm and cuddly about it.

I get very upset when people don't like it.

This place is a tomb. I'm going to the nut shop where it's fun.

I'm going to get some candles to make my apartment smell MOSSY.

I, too, am a You've Got Mail devotee. If you sat me in front of it right now, I could probably say all the lines along with the characters because that's how many million times I've seen it. The other day my roomie and I were watching Sleepless in Seattle and both of us at the same time realized we'd rather be watching You've Got Mail.

When Meg Ryan says, "So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when shouldn't it be the other way around?" I freak out because that's my life.

"It was a perfect blend of poetry and meaness." Oh, Tom Hanks, you are so right.

You zing them. Hello, I'm Mr. Nasty.

Oh Abs, I LOVE this movie too! I sometimes watch it over and over again! Kelly and I just realized the other day that "Rose" is Callie.


Hope you doing well!

That's a beautiful name, Rose.

You know what's odd? You forgot the love! I mean, the "love" that's supposed to go between the "I" and "You've" in the first sentence. I totally didn't notice it until now...and this is like the third time I've read this post (you're one of the few blogs I can get to through the distict websense). I think the "I You've" sorta blends in peoples' heads, so they think the word is actually there. Interesting.

Hello, Abigail!

Well would you look at that! I guess I shouldn't go back and change it now. But sigh. Grammatical errors on my blog are par for the course by this point.

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