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November 7

Yesterday, I complained all day long about it being the longest. day. ever. Even after I got home from work, time stood still until it was time for bed. But today, I got home, crawled into bed and fell asleep. Instantly. Well. instantly after I turned the heater on. See, for several weeks now I've been missing my key med for asthma prevention. Without this medication, I've been operating on half my normal capacity and I haven't sleep through the night (or for more than six hours). In a series of hoop jumping this morning, I finally received my medication.

This is my fifth time waking up tonight because I HAVE TO BLOG and my body will not forget. But every time I wake up and try to type (oh, laptop, I miss you more than words say) my mind says what the hell? We are sleeping, woman! What is your favorite success story from a middle of the night doctor visit? In honor of my ability to breathe, please only tell positive stories.


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Um. Well, my mom went to the doctor in the middle of the night and then the next morning I was born. That worked out pretty well for me. Sort of.

This is awesome. I have no time to tell a story right now but I'll be blogging again real soon.

Jill, I feel like I might die waiting. Hurry up! My breath? It is baited.

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