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November 6: TV!

I've got ANTM and The Office below but before you click click click, please remember to watch Private Practice and Gossip Girl both airing at exactly the same time. Lucky for you and me, you can watch full episodes of both shows on network websites. And with the Writers' Strike kicking in, you might have a lot of extra time to catch up on my favorite shows that you've been avoiding.

Oh, and you should you know that The Office is being severely affected by the Strike and I think there is only one ep in the can and one ready to film. And some of the actors' aren't going to work. So... catching up on Gossip Girl it is.

(Right now, I don't know how all the other shows are being affected (effected?). I'll let you know when I know.)

Someone I know recently referred to the ANTM mid-cycle recap episode as a rerun. RERUN! Could that statement be farther from the truth? I think not. The recap episode is reality TV's only chance at achieving DVD special features: un-aired footage, bloopers, and director's commentary. It's awesome.

I loved Chantal standing up for Saleisha and fighting Bianca, especially the part where she does Bianca's "walk." I love that Chantal says that Bianca has done a total "180", thereby absolving my guilt from liking her lately. AND I wouldn't be surprised if Chantal and Bianca end up in the top 2. AND writing about this is making them my favorites.

When the girls first started to describe the "MSI: Model Scene Investigation" I rolled my eyes because I thought ANTM was just being dramatic. But then they showed the eyelash lines in the glass and I couldn't stop laughing. Even the second time I watched it I cracked up. And where is the footage of this collision, huh, huh camera people?

What was with Tyra's visit to discuss eating disorders? A) I cannot believe that something involving Tyra did not make the final cut. B) The specialist's contribution was asking the girls what they would do in Danielle's situation. Thank you, Doctor. That was very helpful medical advice. C) I learned absolutely nothing from this. I mean, I can infer that Dani lost the weight because she looks skinny, and I assume she lost it my eating healthy and avoiding eating disorders, but how? I guess: smoking. D) Rich also awesomely accused Tyra of hypocrisy when she said "don't obsess about weight.

I wish Spontaneiousouseise had made it into the house. I would pay money for her to tell more birthing and/or Wendy's stories.

If I didn't have a job, I think I'd spend all my time trying to find out as much ANTM-behind-the-scenes stuff as I could. Like where and when do they do laundry?

The Office
screen caps provided by Hogan

Tied for favorite part:
1) Finer Things Club
I love Finer Things Club because we all know people who have those (although they might be disguised under other names). And we all just want to get in so we can say, "Frankie’s prose is finer than a pot of gold, say I."


(Side note: NBC already has a page up where you can submit photos from your own Finer Things Club. NBC is having a hay day with the internet involvement with the show, and it must be so fun for the writers to see their ideas and characters really expand. It's so much better than action figures.)

2) Jim's interview when he says, "So the deal was, Dwight doesn’t blow anything up, and I wear a costume. And a mustache."


3) Fillipellers, why did you leave? I love you.


I really did love Karen and felt bad when she had to be the jealous type. I appreciate her confrontation of Jim despite it being misguided. And I want to see footage from Stamford when it was just her and Andy.

4) This moment:


And with that, I say a-rit-tit-tit-ta-doo.


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When Spontaneiousouseise was in labor, I thought Jay's head was going to blow off his shoulders. I wanted him to use the word lackluster again.

I KNOW. I love that he covered for Miss J when she was cracking up.

I just love Toby's little bowtie.

I have no words.

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