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November 2

This internet is such a glorious thing.

Tonight, we were sitting down to dinner when Carolyn pulled a package out from behind our chair. Katherine exclaimed, "Oh! That came for you today!"

I was surprised because I never receive surprise packages. I always know when to expect things and we have such poor mail delivery that I'm always on the lookout for missing packages. Not once since we've lived here have I received a package by surprise. Say surprise again. SURPRISE!

So I grabbed the fork off the table and started cutting open the strange, unmarked box from some random online company. And what do my eyes see. but a tiny little blow torch just for me!

Yay! Thank you!

The box was devoid of anything else. No packing slip, no note. Just a torch to make creme brulee. I was dumbstruck.

I put this item on my secret amazon wishlist several months ago. I've never linked to the list or told anyone about it. Who are you, benefactor, who searched me out and sent me this wonderful gift? Please identify yourself so I can properly thank you!

The rest of you: stay tuned for photos of my first attempts at creme brulee. I bought those cute ceramic dishes at Target ages ago in preparation for this day. And if you're in the area, invite yourself over for a French meeting of The Finer Things Club.


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Well look, here at 10:55 p.m. on November 1st, it's already November 2nd.

Feckin' cheatin' is what that is.

My blog runs on East Coast time; where it's heart belongs.

They're calling it a mini torch just so it doesn't fall into the category of weapons as a flame thrower.

Glad you got it and not me! I would be making cinder brulee.

Oh, I'll probably make cinder brulee, too. Cinder is my specialty.

Ahhh, it's falling into place now... Your experience with High School French Club had nothing to do with learning/speaking the language, but everything to do with developing a palate for the finer french things. Who needs to speak it when you can make it?


My experience with High School French Club had everything to do with the whole "colleges like to see involvement in school activities." If colleges knew that my "activity" involved bringing Evian water to an omelet feast, they might have been less impressed.

Ha! Who am I kidding? I didn't impress any colleges.

You can set so much on fire with that.


Oh, you ARE fancy.

Chrysler car... Football creme... FANCY FEAST!

omg, your november 2 post and my november 2 post need to have babies.

preferably babies with a crunchy caramelized crust on top.

I don't know what you're talking about, but that's probably because I'm not cool enough to understand the nuances of your lyrics post. I don't even have an iPod. I'm totally out of the loop.

please ignore my last comment because i am a genius of idiocy.

Ha! Ignored.

The only thing better than surprise packages are surprise packages that help you set things on fire.

SO TRUE. In trying to figure out who sent this to me, I was totally trying to figure out the wrong thing. I was thinking about who knew I wanted to make creme brulee, not who knew I loved to burn things. Of course, that doesn't narrow down my pool at all, but at least I have more direction.

not me, but i happen to be married to the sender. :-)

Aha! I guessed that last night as I was going to sleep. She is very sneaky.

"Apart from sleeping with men, this is the gayest thing I do."

And you know how I feel about creme brulee. I AM SO EXCITED YOU GOT THE TORCH.

We should have a Finer Things Club meeting and use the torch.

Oh, who am I kidding? What I mean is, we should hang out and use the torch and try to avoid using a hammer and nail to extract Jack Daniels.

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