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and when I see you, I really see you upside down

I hadn't bought new jeans in over a year until recently so most of mine are worn thin. They really are very, truly comfortable and I'm not lying when I say I could fall asleep in them right now.

I had a long day full of avoidance. I found a cache of old photos and word documents from when I was young and foolish and was wise enough to not read most of them. The ones I read though? Oh boy.

Carolyn and I are doing a car swap tomorrow and I have to drive her stick. I had her move it from parallel parked on a hill, thank God. Still, I haven't done this since we moved at the beginning of the year and I just keep going through the steps over and over again in my head. When I get the hang of it I love it. It's like video games. But in the meantime I'm avoiding per the usual.

I look practically the same as this photo taken in February 2003 (two months after starting this site), but I feel so very different from then.


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When I was a kid, I thought there'd be hoverboards by 2003. Alas.

When I was a kid, I didn't know what emo meant.

I'm impressed that you didn't read all those old documents. Cause I would have read EVERYTHING and then wallowed in self pity for the rest of the night.

Yes, I have boundaries. And also, I would have had to convert many of them from Microsoft Works files to .docs and I thought that was God's way of telling me to NO STAY BACK.

I'm never smart enough not to read them. Especially the emails or letters.

Certain people would yell at me if they knew I had done it. I don't like being yelled at.

I remember taking that picture. =)

You would.

How would you respond to a comment if it were already written in italics?


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