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even for the internet, it's... pretty shocking

One of the highlights of my week has been discovering how to have the pillows on my bed arranged so exactly right that I fall asleep immediately without having to tussle around. Who knew it was possible for the word tussle to appear in such a boring sentence? I amaze myself every day.

storm's a comin' It's been raining these last few days. Well, it has rained at least once for the last three days. Rain here is different than rain elsewhere and in my five years living here I only have a small collection of rain memories. We've been having a draught-ish time and when I accidentally watched the news on Thursday night I learned that it hasn't rained in 5 months (I would have estimated it had been a year) and these rains are now concerning because all the hillsides are unstable because of all the fires. Fires are a big deal in California. I feel like nobody ever talks about that.

Last night, me and my roommates went to the 101 Coffee Shop in LA at midnight. It was very urban of us, especially since we're usually in bed by 10 every night. We were hoping to see some celebrities (Andrew Bernard, why are you never there?!) and were disappointed, per the usual. And I got a tummy ache, per the usual. BUT no regrets, as I can't put a price on driving on the 101 in the rain in the middle of the night. Thankfully, we didn't crash, otherwise I would have had to put a price on that. LA, I understand that 359 days of the year you don't need a drainage system, but sometimes, SOMETIMES, I can't do everything.

My cold symptoms are hanging on for dear life. I refuse to go back to the doctor and have another fight. I finally did laundry today. I'm late for something.


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» week in pictures from My Life According to Me
(very exciting news at the bottom!) mary-kate or ashley? you decide. I somehow messed up the settings on my camera so that half the time I take a picture "manually" it over exposes like crazy. Which means I end up... [Read More]


I blogged the whole thing. www.creedthoughts.gov.www\creedthoughts . . . check it out.

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Is the drainage system a reference to the rain or your cold symptoms?

Jennie and Heather Anne, do you know how happy it makes me that you commented the same thing? Answer: so happy. Everybody else: they were both in comment limbo so they couldn't see each other's comments.

Sal, to the rain. But, you know, my cold symptoms too.

While rain is great and all, do me a favor and say good things to mother nature so that it doesn't rain when I visit? Please and thank you.

Ooh, look at you, all up in L.A.'s grill. Pshaw, hon you need to spread out. The 101 is better if you forget some of the good things about it and then visit again. There's other places to eat in L.A.

You can take your attitude elsewhere, missy.

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