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ice cream, you scream

The other day, Heather emailed me the following video under the caption "Our People."

Please watch.

I obviously called Heather immediately after viewing to ask her WHY IN THE WORLD DID THEY THROW AWAY ALL THE VIENETTA?

(If you've been living under a rock, and have also not read this blog with the dedication that my mother devotes, you can learn about Vienetta here.)

While the phone was ringing, Carolyn was watching the video and right when I was about to ask Heather the question of the year, Carolyn was all, "wait!! are these people throwing it away?!" Now that is my people.

Anyway, Vienetta is still very missed over here in the States and if this record-breaking feat had been attempted here there would have been a lot more than a youtube video to prove it. In Germany, they appear to start throwing it away before they've even measured it.

I've never been one to take youtube comments seriously--they are, after all, the worst thing on the internet--but user Teenspirit124 commented, "LAME... wotta waste." Also our people.

The poster of the video responded and said, "Wasn't wasted at all, you don't know what you're talking about." That was three weeks ago. Two days ago, I commented (of course), "Could you please explain how this was not wasted? It appears to be destroyed at the end of the video." I am still anxiously awaiting a reply.

But really, I've watched this video over and over (I need to get to Europe if only for the Vienetta) and I still can't seem to figure how this isn't a waste. And what the hurry is. And why they would even include the destruction portion of the project. Also, who is the poster? What is his authority? SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS.

Do you have any theories? Please tell me.


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maybe each "scientist" got a bucket o'vienetta at the end. i wouldn't say no to that.

Hi. I can't watch this right now cause I'm at work and they hate Youtube here. I'll watch it later, though. Good story, Jennie.

Umm, he thinks it wasn't a waste because he hates Vienetta.

I'm so smart, I give myself one Shrute buck.

how do you know what they're saying?

I thought it might have been a malfunctioning machine.

What's the real story?

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