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This could be
the very minute

I was driving home tonight and the windows were down and the music was so loud and I was happy.

I was happy and things were fine and I was going home because Grey's Anatomy doesn't just watch itself.

I was fine with life the way it was, really. I was happy. And then the radio said I could be Caller Twenty and I could win tickets to Snow Patrol. I can admit that Chasing Cars and Chocolate are practically the same song. I can admit that I bought their album and don't ever actually listen to it because, really, it's all the same.

But I still would love to see them in concert. And I would still love to win tickets on the radio. A couple weekends ago they were giving away Dave Matthews tickets and I actually listened to a different radio station because I couldn't handle the disappointment.

But it was such a surprise tonight and it was late enough that I knew I had a chance so I dialed real quick like and the phone! it was ringing! RINGING! Aside from that one other blog-worthy time I've always gotten a busy signal. But not tonight.

My spirits rose, my heart rate quickened, and I counted the rings. After four I panicked and thought I had dialed the wrong number. I looked at my phone, psyched myself out, and hung up. I redialed and IT WAS BUSY.


Of course, I hadn't dialed incorrectly. The ringing was because I was actually going to get through. I could have had it. I could have been Caller Twenty.

But no. I had to be stupid and hang up. Awesome.


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Chin up, little lamb. Save your luck for Mayer tickets.

I already didn't win the Mayer tickets, remember?

This one time my uncle won Mayer tickets and gave them to me. So, moral of the story, have someone you know win tickets and give them to you because they quote, "don't get why you like that guy."

my sister had a job where she could listen to a radio station and call in and win stuff. she won something every week, the biggest were probably goo goo dolls tickets.

Thank you. Just rub it in. Both of you.

Sorry, Sorry. This other time? I was trying to win Green Day tickets and you had to be caller 9 and I called and got through and all the guy said to me was, "Sorry, you're caller 8," and then he hung up and I wanted to cry.

my dad once won a pair of basketball shoes on the radio.

keep trying.

when i trek five miles to the internet through the blazing sun (actually, i took a taxi), i expect to see new posts gosh darnit. (there would be an exclamation point but these damn french keyboards are impossible to figure out).

I couldn't stand this story the first time I read it. The second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth, no wait, make that tenth time, I REALLY didn't like it.

Make it go away!

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