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Still have The Block,
now with narcolepsy!

I sleep with my computer right next to my bed. That way when I wake up in the morning I barely have to move to get it. Some people need coffee; I need internet.

Earlier this week, I got into bed at 9 pm because all the time every day I'm tired and in my constant quest to make good decisions I will go to bed early instead of watching another episode of Grey's Anatomy. Or Gilmore Girls. Or Entourage. Or The Office. Whatever. So I got into bed early and decided to write a quick email before tucking my computer in and turning the lights off.

The next morning I woke up (after only one snooze) and threw my hand off the side of the bed to grab the laptop. I felt around. Nothing. I sat up and took a bird's eye survey of the room. Nothing.

I racked my mind to figure out where it could be. I tried to remember writing the email and the last line I remembered writing was not the conclusion. If I had forgotten what the rest of my email was then I could have also forgotten where I had put my computer.

After several panicked minutes of searching our entire (small) house I fell back exasperated on my bed. Where was my computer?! What had that email said?!

Unsure of what to do and moments from waking Carolyn up I decided to check one more place. The computer? IN A DRAWER.

I don't put ANYTHING in drawers let alone the one object I use more than anything else in my life (bar none). And the email was unfinished, the last line being the one I remembered (it was about Die Hard and how awesome it is).

Who knows what I'll do next in my sleep.

(Die Hard is awesome. I love the first one. And I love Live Free or Die Hard. And APPARENTLY, I need to see Die Hard With A Vengeance (the third one) because it's supposedly awesome. And I feel the need to see Die Hard 2: Die Harder because of it's title. I love action movies so much.)


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Is it really called Die Hard 2: Die Harder? If so, I need to see it immediately.

It is really called that.

Preparing for 27th September? What about 25th September?

I haven't seen the fourth Die Hard yet but the others? Countless times. Great Stuff.

Also, my supervisor asked me what I was doing answering his email at 2am? My answer - errm, I'm not sure. I probably woke up for a couple minutes in the middle of the night...

Maybe starting to put things away is a good thing?


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