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how did they know that my life would be complete if i was on cribs?

You guys, I have The Block. It is so bad that when I write 3/4 of a post I cannot finish it.

There are SEVEN unfinished posts open right now. That is more posts than I've written in July altogether. One of the reasons I started this blog was to motivate myself to write every day because I knew the easiest way to improve my writing was to practice. So, at least I've been practicing, right?

But I still want to blog every day. I still want to prove that not only can I write every day but I can write something that I feel okay about other people reading every day. And so for now I'm giving up on the glimpse of perfection I like to idealize and I'm going to post something, anything, here so I can get over myself already.

I left work late tonight due to a fancy project I was excited to complete.

I called two people on the drive home. On days I feel like calling, two is average. On days I don't feel like calling I will not even answer my phone if it rings.

One of today's outgoing calls was based purely on the ridiculousness of this song (Nickelback's Rockstar), especially the background voice, "TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT."

What's even more pathetic is that I partially enjoy listening to it. Who doesn't like a long list of things you wish you had? It's hard to decide but I think my favorite lyrics are:

"I'd even cut my hair and change my name" [in order to become a rockstar]
"Every good gold digger's gonna wind up there; every Playboy bunny with her bleach blonde hair" [i appreciate the girls next door shout out]
"Gonna pop my pills from a Pez dispenser"

And those were so hard to choose. Such a quality song. And people judge me for listening to Nickelback. It's brilliant.


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My last post was a picture of an exploding beer. I have The Block, too.

me too. and now nickelback is in my head and i will NEVER forgive you.

The Block sucks. Down with The Block.

You can call me Jenny from The Block.

(I'm so sorry for that)

Nope, i don't get it. nope, not at all.

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