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Just 'cause it's a tall tale don't mean it ain't true.

Tomorrow is the big day that I face off with Charter. I'm armed and ready: I've printed all related paperwork, I've written a timeline of previous interaction, and I've made a statement regarding what I will and will not pay so I can stay strong. There is a customer service center near my house which means I can have an IRL conversation about all this nonsense. Take that, Weak Abigail!

Many of you let me know that we can watch Tall Tale in a computer. I knew that; I just have this thing about watching on a computer. If I'm watching a movie on my computer than I can't be reading everything on IMDB about that movie while I'm watching it. Also, my computer doesn't have an operable disc drive. Among other problems.

Tonight we decided to put aside all my issues and gather round Carolyn's laptop (which isn't in much better condition than mine) to take a journey back to the American West - 1905.

Good times.

a) Family fun all around.

b) Who doesn't love a good progression is bad tale?

c) Pecos Bill was HOT. I totally have a cowboy crush.


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» I'm still licking my wounds. from Abigail M. Schilling
I'm not ashamed to admit how badly I wanted it. Sometimes I get the vibe that that is frowned upon generally, that I should care more about "having fun." But whatever, man, I have fun and also I throw my... [Read More]


Use your cowboy skills with Charter. Show 'em your six-shooter. They're afraid of six-shooters - can't work them.

Heather Anne, could I BE laughing harder?

Anyway, Abigail, good luck with Charter! Yeehaw! (sorry)

You guys, Pecos Bill would do this thing where instead of killing guys, he would just shoot their "trigger finger."

And Charter kicked my ass again. They made me cry off all my make-up. Bastards.

remember that one movie where colin farrell tried to convince us that he was a cowboy and not my hot irish lover?

that was the last cowboy movie i saw.

This post made no sense.

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