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On the road and hanging by a song

Internet, things have been so crazy lately that just now I COULDN'T REMEMBER WHICH WIRELESS NETWORK IS MINE. If that's not losing one's mind, I don't know what is. I've been working a lot lately, especially since I flitted off on vacation. Turns out my work doesn't just do itself while I'm gone. I wish I could arrange that.

Tonight I had flaming hots cheetos for dinner which was an exceptionally poor decision as it required me to both drink lots of water (and what lazy person likes going to the bathroom all the time?) and get an immensely painful tummy ache. So painful that I'm still whining about it and can't really fathom eating anything else ever again. Word to the wise: don't eat flaming hots on any empty stomach.

My trip was really fun. I spent most of my airport/plane time doing Sudoku puzzles which I'm really bad at but still enjoy (kinda like Mario Kart). I spent most of my time with Heather watching The OC: Season 3. People we watched 16 episodes in three days. If that's not dedication, then I want to know what is. Heather also managed to entrench me in true State of Jefferson culture:

Old Prospector

State of Jefferson

Got me addicted to Guitar Hero (which is also like Sudoku and Mario Kart):

White Man's Overbite

And took me to my first rodeo ever:

Pre-rodeo, post-Corona
Geared out. (And I've had about four Coronas. Circumstances totally beyond my control.)

Could we BE anymore excited?

We're being all-day-long drunks at the rodeo
What most of the other drunk rodeo attendees looked like.

And this is a man riding a bull on a semi with flames:
A bull on a semi
The 12-year-old sitting next to me was at his 12th rodeo had never seen anything like this before.

We did some other stuff too, unfortunately, all we had for the first half of the trip was a disposable camera so I still need to get that developed. True story. I can vaguely remember a shady restaurant wherein I had to order off a menu that had the same items listed at least three times throughout. There was also a POTATOES incident which put Heather and I into serious food comas for the entirety of Saturday afternoon. (We recovered though and were able to finish the Hoho's box we had started.) And downtown WEED--truly a sight to behold.

Weed Like to Welcome You


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» Happy Holiday Weekend from Abigail M. Schilling
I just finished packing for a weekend out of town--a veritable extravaganza of fun. I'm flying up to NorCal to white trash it up with Heather. We'll geocache and then drive up to Oregon where we'll meet up with Roommate... [Read More]


Never one to encourage government intervention in anything.... in this case, I think they should ban the chemicals that compose flaming hot cheetos. The chemicals are probably made in China - their strategy? To poison us slowly..... through all the shit we consume.

And the trip---- good stuff.

You thoroughly entertain me. Thank you.

Looks like fun!! :)

Is that like Rodeo Drive or "Rodeo Drive" (Herb)?

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