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Let's just hope that SFO has internet so I can read the net on my layovers

I'm going to WEED Friday morning so that I can convince Heather in person to move back. The trip has snuck up on me because we planned it so long ago (the schedule spreadsheet has been solid for weeks) and because I've been super busy at work.

Also, because I procrastinate. So I had a ton of laundry to do so I would have clothes to wear (contingent on their fitting). I was complaining to Heather about the vastness and necessity of the laundry. I explained that it's never been this bad before cause I always do all my laundry when my underwear runs out (about five weeks) but two weeks ago I ran out of underwear so I washed it but was too lazy to do the rest.

She told me to just wear my underwear.

I think it's going to be a great trip.

(Unfortunately, we won't have internet. The State of Jefferson is anti high speed internet. But, oh, will there be pictures when I get back.)


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» Happy Holiday Weekend from Abigail M. Schilling
I just finished packing for a weekend out of town--a veritable extravaganza of fun. I'm flying up to NorCal to white trash it up with Heather. We'll geocache and then drive up to Oregon where we'll meet up with Roommate... [Read More]


Is there a patagonia there? Because I'm jonesing for some pictures of you in a patagonia. All happy and shit and enthralled by all of the capilene.

Well, you have to go on the weekends, you have to stay for more than an hour, and you have to go hella late. Nothing even happens til after midnight, in my experience.

unfortunately, no patagonia. but we were happy and ethralled by guitar hero and the rodeo. there will be photos.

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