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Conversations With My Roommate

Carolyn: Did you hear about how they found spiders in that kid's ear?

Abigail: No, and I don't think I want to.

Carolyn: It's all over the news. You sure you don't want to hear about it?

Abigail: Nope. Sounds creepy, and kinda gross. I don't want to have dreams about spiders in my head.

Carolyn: They were dead, well at least one of them was dead.

Abigail: I don't want to hear about it!

Carolyn: But I didn't get to tell anyone today!

Abigail: I'm sorry!

Carolyn: Okay, well--

Abigail: Don't tell me!

Carolyn: I was going to tell you about how Paris Hilton is going to jail.

Abigail: Oh, okay. Proceed.


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*I stole this idea from Jennie.

What's the asterik connect to?

It is creepy - both of them.

Morning West coast, the coffee's kickin in!

Call K today - she needs it.

Paris Hilton is almost as gross as spiders in the ear.

When a human does not use some of the body parts/organs, those parts/organs become extinct.

Clearly, Paris will have to be excused for her brain is extinct.

Hang on, did she have one in the first place?

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