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We can't use Andre, he's not good enough.

The other night Heather called me cause she was blogging (I swear) and needed me to help her with some research. Supposedly, the results of this research are forthcoming. But I'm not holding my breath.

While I was waiting for several tabs to load (and yes, it really does take two of us and several tabs to complete research of any kind) I realized she didn't know about my recent browsing habits.

Abigail: Hey, remember how I used to have all those problems with Firefox where it would make me crazy? And jump around? And so I only used Safari?

Heather: Yeah?

Abigail: Well, I re-downloaded it. I guess I had a ghetto version or something. Cause now I don't have any problems. It's great!

Heather: That's good, cause Firefox is the best.

Abigail: Yeah, but I still use Safari too. I use both.

Heather: You're like an ambi-surfer.

Abigail: I'm an ambi-browser.

Heather: That sounds like you have a lot of eyebrows.

Abigail: Well, I do. Me and Peter Gallagher.

Which is the perfect segue...

Go Fug recently wrote about Center Stage, one of my favorite movies of all time. I couldn't be happier.

I've been waiting for the dancer who played her one-night stand to show up somewhere wearing a barrel, so we could discuss the ballet he choreographs which involves: a motorcycle onstage, several impossible costume and hair changes, and simulated sex.

Please read it. It's my favorite thing on the internet right now.


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gosh. i don't know anything about television OR movies.

are you sure you want to see HP5 with me?

Kat, I'm sure. You know everything you'd ever need to know. And you hooked me up with Harry Potter pumpkin pattern. And I heart you.


I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed of that.

Jennie, OMG. I am so jealous.

please be patient. this update i am crafting is beautiful. you might say, it's not of this world.

I think I've watched parts of THAT movie with you more times than I've watched the Sound of Music. Gross movie.

Heather, patience has a expiration date.

Sally, I hate to break it to you, but you've actually watched the entire movie.

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