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New (to me) Music: Rosie Thomas

friends.jpg I have strangely picky preferences about female singers. I don't like breathy women (Corinne Bailey Rae, Norah Jones), I like women who sing and breath at different times (Sarah McLachlan, Rilo Kiley). I understand that this may not make sense. Sorry.

I recently discovered a female artist I love and I think even people who like Rae or Jones will love her too: Rosie Thomas. (Listen free on her site.)

Apparently, she's been around forever (her fifth album, These Friends of Mine, just came out) but perhaps it's her collaboration with Sufjan Stevens on this album that brought her into my peripheral. Some blog called her "a female version of Sufjan." (I'm not linking to the blog cause it was all music-pretentious. Booo.)

this fancy link will take you to her album in iTunes

And I wanted to give you lyrics, but they aren't anywhere on the net! But she talks about kites and New York and holding hands and it's all very sweet.

And! On top of all that, I checked her tour to see if she'd be around LA at all ever and she is playing at my alma mater on April 22. Fancy that. (I gotta get crackin' on those five albums.)



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I LOVE ROSIE. and if you get to see her live, it is an experience. she is hilarious. her speaking voice is tiny (you probably heard it somewhere in 'these friends') and it's crazy how her singing voice is so different... but she is one of my favorites.

Well, I like all of those singers (breathy and non-breathy) so I'll have to check her out.

Whatever happened to Sarah McLachlan? And why can I never spell her last name right without looking?

i LOVE rosie thomas.

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