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More tales from the dentist

I had my last appointment today of the cavity plan which means that if my three upper right back teeth feel fine in a couple days I won't have to come back EVER. This is great news since I've been funneling all of my income into oral hygiene. Now (as I promised Heather last week) I can start devoting my disposable $25-extra-a-month income to cooler things like traveling to Weed.

Before I got out of there though, I had to endure over an hour of mind-numbing discussion between the staff working on my teeth...

Dentist: So I just saw a picture of my brother's baby. She is so hairy!

Hygienist: Aww, your brother had a baby.

Dentist: Hairy! Hairiest baby I have ever seen! Hair everywhere! The hair is ON her forehead. It is ON her legs. The hair is everywhere!

Hygienist: Is she brown? [Ed. note: I don't know what this means. I don't think the (Korean) dentist did either.]

Dentist: No...? She's HAIRY.

Hygienist: Do Asian babies have a lot of hair?

Dentist: Not really. I guess that's how my brother was. But she is so hairy!

Hygienist: Have you seen Mexican babies? They get hair ON THEIR EARS!

Dentist: My brother's baby is so hairy.

Hygienist: It will fall off. What is her name?

Dentist: Sammy.

Hygienist: Oh, short for Samantha?

Dentist: No, actually, but it's spelled funny. I guess my brother wanted to be unique. It's S-A-M-I-E. She is so hairy.

Hygienist: What's her middle name?

Dentist: I can't remember; it's Korean. She is so hairy.

Hygienist: Your family must be so excited because she is the first grandchild, right?

Dentist: Yeah, my mom takes so many pictures and then she carries her camera around to show everybody. If that was me I totally wouldn't show pictures until the kid looked presentable.


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I knew this hairy kid one time. He went to my elementary school and his name was Esau. He sold his birthright for a bowl of, um, chicken noodle soup.

That is a real story of my life and not one I stole from the Bible.

Samie... Samson? The power's in the hair!

I'm still not understanding how you got cavities NOW when you went through all your youth without any...

My dad, a kindergarden teacher, had a hairy kid named Chewbacca, you know Star Wars. Well, in high school he changed his name to something like Jesse. Poor kid. True story; I've seen the yearbook photos!

you know, you really should have reversed the order here - you would have fit in a lot better in Weed if you had shitty teeth.

Design = hot.

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