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Have you ever painted walls red?

It is a bitch.

Also, remember how I was all, "we are going to paint two rooms! I have more ambition than anyone in the world ever!"? Both things are false.

To quote Becca, "the thing about red paint is that you have to put it on evenly. If you keep doing it the way you're doing it, Abigail, you'll be painting all week."

Thank you, Becca, for that sage advice. It was very useful until you abandoned me half way through the second coat to go have sushi for dinner.

After Becca left I couldn't remember what still needed a second coat. I also couldn't figure out how we had painted the first coat unblotchyly. Alisa and I just kept repainting everything praying that when it dried it would be okay.

Alisa left (because apparently normal people have actual plans on Saturday nights) and I was left completely ALONE.

And I sat there and looked around (which was hard to do because the lighting in our living room.. is, well... it doesn't provide full coverage. I mostly rely on a very powerful desk lamp.) and I was so confused. So I decided to start taping the bathroom to get that ready to paint. Which was actually kind of fun because it wasn't painting.

Things really started to go downhill--or uphill, depending on how you look at it--when Naomi showed up with the tequila. Cause she knows my heart and I might have left her a message to the effect of, "I am go crazy. stop. Please help me. stop." And if that's not a plea for alcohol than I don't know what is.

Naomi oooed and ahhhhed over the beautiful red paint until I turned the lights (light) on.

"See?! See how it's blotchy?!"

"Hmmm." I handed her a roller and made her paint a wall. I interrupted nine times to repeat all of Becca's advice. Finally, she turned around with a look that said, "then how the fuck am I supposed to paint?"

So we had margaritas. And THEN painted. Sorry, Becca.

Naomi and I had some really good laughs about how my lamp was not unlike Jiminy Cricket and finally we decided that we should just go to bed, take some ibuprofen, and wait for the morning when Becca could assess the necessity of a third coat.

Verdict: Necessary.

So we spent the rest of Sunday steamrolling through the third coat and Friends Season 7.

And it is fabulous.

I am so happy with the room and no, we are not painting the bathroom this weekend. Or next weekend. It's back on the to do list.

I might re-upholster some chairs this week, though, since that's not painting. We'll see.


P.S. My right hamstring (!?) is so sore that I may never stop complaining. Sorry, World.


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One time Amy and I tried to paint our dining room red. We started with this Mr. Bubble pink primer (as advised by the Home Depot Paint Expert.) Then we painted and painted and painted red until our dining room looked like it had the plague. It was terrible and splotchy. So terrible and splotchy that Amy and I thought it was unfixable. So we just left it. For eternity.

Then one day we came home and her dad had let himself in and painted the whole thing green.

Thank God.

yeah, i was gonna ask about the special red-paint primer.

We used dark gray primer. It worked really well and we got to see what our room would look like if we lived in England.

Once, I decided I wanted to paint my walls blue. But my brother and I somehow picked a very Caribbean turquoise. We painted half of one wall. It was very uneven and splotchy. We stopped. I had one half-turquoise blotchy wall for nearly a year. The end.

I think we need to do alcohol-enhanced home improvement projects on a more regular basis. Turns out that home improvement + tequila + Abigail = a rockin' good time. Maybe next weekend we can tear out some old drywall? I'll totally clear my calendar if you can promise me a chance to drunkenly wield a sledgehammer, and of course we still have plenty of tequila left over. Let me know.

So what you're saying is, Heidi and I shouldn't paint our living room red

Yes, I've painted the livingroom red at my old house. I loved it, but I will never do it again. Okay, so I'm not allowed to ever do it again. But, last I heard, this is still America, so I should have the freedom to paint walls any color I choose. I checked out your slideshow and it looks great! Good job!

OMG-I hate to hear that red is hard to paint because that's what color I want to paint my home office...eeks!!

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