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Please pass the pie.

One of my many chronic disease-controlling medications is the most high-matienance thing in my life. For real.

See, (and this post is about to rival Heather's OC post in un-keep-up-able-ness), it has to be taken in the morning. Or to be more clear, is has to be taken closer to when I have awoken than when I am going to sleep. So I have to know when I am going to sleep.

And! After I'm sure I'm within the bounds of that first rule (and it's the first rule because it has the biggest label), I have to take it at least an hour before I eat anything. Or! If I've already ruined that, I have to take it three hours after I've eaten (and still one hour before).

Here's an example of how I could have everything go really simply:

7:00 awake, take medication
8:00 may eat

Here's an example of what usually happens:

7:00 awake, read the internet
7:15 have some coffee, wonder if coffee counts as food?
7:30 figure what the hell and have some banana bread
10:30 take medication
11:30 may eat again

See how it starts to get complicated? In the latter scenario I have to take the medication to work with me and then I have to remember to take it at 10:30. If I forget and don't take it til 11:00 then I can't eat til 12. If I don't take it til 11:30 then I can't eat til 12:30. It gets really! fun! when I have meetings or special lunches or forget to bring it to work and try to figure if I can go home to get it and when and will it still be closer to sunrise and when will I eat?

Obviously I never took this medication in college because I was more concerned with what I was going to be doing instead of homework than to figure out what time I would be eating or sleeping. And I think I can safely blame all college mistakes on the fact that I didn't take the medication. Hell, I'll blame the cavities too. And my lack of income.

In short, I whine a lot. I take drugs. I like coffee. And I like to eat and sleep. Whenever I want. The End.


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What if you had to take meds one hour before you read the Internet? Would that jack you up or what?

Please do not say things like that. Ever. Again.

Ah, the joys & complexities of meds. And, Heather Anne, why are you trying to make Abigail cry? You gave me shivers.

The internet is my drug. Also crack.

NTE, wrap yourself up in the internet. It will keep you warm.

Jennie, also meth.

i think you mean stovetop.

Oh yeah, that's right.

It has to do with optimal absorbtion. If you take it one hour before eating food, you will absorb more. If you take it 30 minutes before food - what the hell? You're still getting more than if you don't take it! When you speak to your doctor, explain how you're taking it 30 minutes before food. That will "inform" the good 'ol doc in case you're not up to par.

Your organs (and pianos) suffer if you don't take it.

Oh, and coffee does count because you put something in it, right? But even if you don't it still interferes with the absorption angle.

Take the damn medicine!
Love, Mother

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