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I'm sick.

Not the kind of sick where you sleep for days and hate your life. Just the mediocre kind of sick where you can't go into work (because of germs) but you get bored of laying around. But you don't have the energy to do much more than lay around. That kind of sick.

It's also been the kind of sick where I can't taste anything so I haven't really been hungry. This has worked out well since I'm also the kind of poor where I can only buy groceries on certain days and this week was not one of those days. (The other night I made salad for dinner. Carolyn was all, "just salad?" and I said, "no! It has cheese in it!")

And then there's the internet. Throwing myself under a bus does not begin to describe what I feel like doing after the two hours I spend every night trying to install our wireless router. I've tried every trouble shooting tactic under the sun, I've downloaded every patch, read every single damn article available for our router. And I still cannot get it to work. I'm a fairly resourceful person and I feel totally helpless and at the will of this router. Damn router.

On top of all that, in addition to not closing all the way and have an inoperable disc drive, my computer has decided it does not like ethernet cords. Ethernets cords are, of course, my only way of getting internet currently. I have to wiggle the cord and turn the computer upside down, and run one end of the cord around the screen and then loop it around the back for the computer to register connect at all. And if I touch anything after that I screw everything up.

So. I don't have a solid internet connection. Ever. Unless I'm sitting in my office which I'm not right now because I'm sick.

Yup, that's all I got. I thought I was going to go up and the end, some sort of positive note, but whining is just too satisfying. It really puts the work in being lazy. Or something.


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» Ode to ChrisPad from Abigail M. Schilling
Our wireless router is on the fritz and can't keep a connection for longer than a few minutes. This is obviously THE MOST ANNOYING THING IN THE WORLD, something I intend to do something about once I clean my room... [Read More]


Let's buy you a real one this week,okay?

I'm sorry you're sick. BUT if it makes you feel any better, I am totally that kind of poor, too. I can't buy any more groceries until next Friday. Once for dinner I had wheat thins and a hot pocket.

are you telling me that you don't wanna get with this?

music and food

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