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Friday Question Day


What show on Television, running at any time, on any network, in any decade, would you have liked to be on?
Maybe could you photoshop yourself into a picture or two from the show, you know... give it that life-like flair.

--Amanda Mae

Abigail: Listen, I need your help for my blog. I have to pick which TV show I'd be on.

Heather: Well, I hope you pick ANTM. And if you don't I'm not really sure if we can be friends anymore.

Abigail: No, it's not that I don't love ANTM. It's just that I love to watch it. I don't know if I would love to be on it.

Heather: Oh, yeah, that's true. Well, then, The OC.

Abigail: That's a good show too, but, ... well. The question is confusing. I don't know if I'm picking for like me, my personality, or if I would want to be another personality.

Heather: Good point, so pick two shows.

Abigail: It's not that easy.

Heather: It's easy for me; I know what I'd pick.

Abigail: What?

Heather: The OC. Cause then I would get to make out with Adam Brody.

Abigail: Oooo, good point. I would get to make out with hot guys on The OC. Like Ryan. But also, what about Friends?

Heather: That's a good one. But it's kinda over.

Abigail: You bite your tongue! I can't believe you just said that. David Schwimmer is hot yesterday, today, and forever. And Chandler is my lover.

Heather: Sorry, what I meant was that it's not actually possible for you to be on it since it's over. So if you're going with probability you're better off with The OC.

Abigail: Do you think I could make out with Nigel if I was on ANTM?

Heather: Do you think I could be on TV too?

Abigail: Sure, I'll put you in the pictures.

Heather: Pictures?

Abigail: Yeah, I have to photoshop illustrations for this post.

abigail with nigel on antm

abigail on the oc

abigail, chandler, and ross

top model

seth and heather




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» TV: Gossip Girl is BACK! from Abigail M. Schilling
I successfully used sick time today so as to watch Gossip Girl (and use up a lot of tissues, sorry, trees). I love this show. There was a time when I was a bit indifferent but those days are so... [Read More]


Can I be on The Office and make out with Jim?

Also, hug for her! Roll for you.

wha...you don't wanna be on Scrubs and make out with Zach Braff?

Oh, Jimmy-jim-jim. OK, so you totally didn't answer the question, though this post makes a lot of sense of last night. I kept hearing you talk about being with Nigel and I was kind of wondering if you back at the Eco-Store.

Also, Chandler likes a little bit afraid of you because of you fierce-Tyra facial expressions. This is what happens when you mix your shows.



See, it doesn't matter if Friends is over, because I said any decade, any show, ever.

The question is not that confusing!

Jennie, of course.

Jenn, done and done.

Cate, I kinda miss the Eco-Store. You're right, Chandler does look afraid.

Amanda Mae, I am easily confused.

Seriously, this is like the best post ever. EVER.

TV? what is this TV of which you speak?

you totally look like ryan atwood in that picture. creepy.

Those pictures are truly hilarious. And also, I am glad that you think it's okay to have a lot of pillows. I should have an apartment-warming party and you can come tell Aaron that I don't have an issue.

This was very funny Abs. =D

Ryan from O.C.? His hair in this photo horrifies me.

Heather N., seriously, Peter Parker?

I may be wrong but I believe that's Adam Brody kissing Heather. Season two. episode 14. maybe.

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