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No, we actually weren't ready to order

L: Courage does not mean you don't feel afraid, it means that you do the right thing in spite of fear.

J: Is that a Hallmark card?

L: No, it's from Airbud. ... Do you guys remember going to see Airbud in eighth grade? All cool going to the theater? And there were all those other movies too, like Free Willy, about kids being inappropriately attached to animals.

J: Yeah, like that movie with the one girl who's parents got divorced and then she had a seal and it was all okay.

L: They do it in LOST too.

A: No, no LOST tonight.

L: It's okay, I finished Season 2.

J: You finished Season 2 in five days?

L: Yes.

J: You're in grad school! How do you have TIME for LOST?

L: I'm a grad student. We're goal-oriented people.

Aaron, the server: Are you guys ready to order?

J: Yes, we're goal-oriented people.


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My favorite part about this entry is that we sounded drunk before the Golden Lady slash Yellow Label slash Vu de la Vu arrived. Man, we are a good time.

Grad students are goal-oriented people only if staying in grad school as long as possible counts as a goal.

Grad school definitely has its perks.

Just want you to know, dear heart, that I've picked up our only Thanksgiving tradition, the turkey from the HOKA.

All real dogs have been a disappointment after seeing Airbud. He really followed his dream.

Jenny, I think you mean the Orange Widow. Word.

Gary, that totally counts. Extra points for not even having to tell SallieMae to defer.

Sally, I'm ready to cook for Thanksgiving.

Neil, seriously. Pets kinda jumped the shark after that movie. (That theme also jumped the shark. Do you remember how many Airbuds there were after? Golden Receiver. Spikes Back. Seventh Inning Fetch. It's painful.)

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