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Blog Today: Tomorrow You May Be Eaten (Friday Weekday Wrap-up)

I've been exhaustingly busy this week with work and family, such that I've only been in my home to sleep and even then it was only two nights this week. I've hardly made it around the internet and have very missed reading everything out there and there is SO MUCH because of MoFo (see: sidebar).

During my lunch break today I worked on a post in which I actually had to look up the html for the "does not equal" sign, and then after writing 300 words I had no clear where I was going. Boringtown probably.

So I went back to work, where I am collecting more and more injuries. I have complained the better part of this week about the "circle" on my back that hurts. I'll spare you anymore Boringtown details on that development. Let's just say I really spend most of my day forming my right hand into an a-okay motion and then placing it on the offending spot behind my waist. It's complicated.

I'm only now getting to read my Mileage Plus Summary Newsletter from United, sent on the first, of course. Always on time and all. I've got a million miles burning a hole in my pocket and will be booking a ticket tomorrow morning for a journey to my Homeland after I return from D.C.

Anna won't be there this time--she's moved to China to be an art teacher on the coast. In her absence, I'll probably spend a day meandering the city on my own, my heart breaking for the second week in a row.

I got design fever this week and worked up a Christmas banner over at I Heart Heather. I think I'll start something for this blog over the weekend, if the weekend doesn't eat me like the week did. Before leaving work tonight, I made a list of every laundromat in the area (thank you, google) so I could go hunting for a spinner in the morning.

There's a fashion show in the evening with a car drive thing too. I am actually very excited about this obscure opportunity which I could elaborate on more if I wasn't too lazy to open up the email about it. But don't worry, there will be pictures.

And on Sunday my Jeni comes home. We haven't discussed the details of her visit at all. That's because it doesn't matter. We'll probably go tanning and talk through a movie and eat too much. And it will be like always.

Apparently it's raining in Boringtown today. Sorry. MoFo made me do it.


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Dude, the MoFo is kicking my ass as well. This might become a problem.

And whenever you head to DC, enjoy it!

Herb just quoted a commercial that stated, "Life begins at 65!" He turned to your grandmother and said, "I thought it began at 80!"

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