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Internet > Malls

I often mention "shopping" as a hobby in casual conversation. This is a dramatic change from yesteryear when I would denounce anything related to shopping. My hobbies haven't changed; it's just that people never believed me when I said I hated shopping.

See, I hate malls. I hate lines. I hate strolling from store to store from hours on end, just enjoying the experience of it all.

What I love is SPENDING MONEY. What I love is HAVING STUFF.

And then gap.com started emailing me. And oldnavy.com. And clinique.com. And it was good.

They'd tell me helpful things:

"Free shipping this weekend!"

"30 percent off all sale items!"

"New strapless dresses just like the ones you already have but you need in three more colors!"

The Internet speaks to my soul. It sorts through the sale racks for me. It spends hours end to end finding what I like and delivering it to my door, fast and easy.

But up until recently, The Internet was letting me down in one very important area: SHOES.

I've recounted my issues with shoes on this site before and even more to my friends who I really don't deserve. (One time, they set me down in the shoe aisle at Target and proceed to grab every shoe that was my size and non-ugly and surrounded me with them until I stopped being depressed about shoes. I love them.)

And I've had some marginal success. Last December I found Payless flats that I LOVED until they gave me knee problems because they were made of cardboard. And then, this summer, during the aforementioned Target experience, I got several very cute heels in a variety of colors. But they're summer shoes and aren't going to work in Washington, D.C.

And that's important to me because I'm going to Washington, D.C. next month for work. That's right! My job is sending me there for a week! To work! And so I need shoes that are both not made of cardboard and warm WHILE being cute.

The shoe hunt began several weeks ago and by hunt I mean, I thought the above paragraph, remembered how shoe shopping results in suicidal thoughts, and resumed my daily life. And then The Internet emailed me.

"Introducing Piperlime.com! A new company from Gap, Inc."

And Piperlime sells SHOES! ONLINE!

So, I will begin my quest to find the shoes of my dreams (free shipping! easy returns!) via The Internet.

In the meantime, I found these.


Hiiiii, boots.


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» Best Dessert Ever from Abigail M. Schilling
Alright, so maybe I totally phoned it in last night, but isn't that what Fridays are for? Plus also, I was wearing my boots and it is hard to blog in those. Now, pull up an ice block and lend... [Read More]

» Hiiiiiii, boots. from Abigail M. Schilling
Remember these boots? Remember how I have no self-control? I'm getting a lot of use out of them already. They're very practical. See, you can wear them with dresses, with skits, with pants... Note to Heather's mom, Lori: Sorry it... [Read More]

» Hiiiiiii, boots. from Abigail M. Schilling
Remember these boots? Remember how I have no self-control? I'm getting a lot of use out of them already. They're very practical. See, you can wear them with dresses, with skits, with pants... Note to Heather's mom, Lori: Sorry it... [Read More]


Plus also, those boots will go great with your crime-fighting outfit. Batgirl has some almost just like that.

See, I say I hate shopping, but really, I too just hate MALL shopping. I could Internet shop for hours, which is good because sometimes I don't have anything else to do at work. Just don't tell my boss.

show them the clarks you wanted to buy, abigail.

Heather Anne, we could fight crime! Do you want to be Hard Ass or Wuss?

Jennie, what's your favorite site?

Heather Nicole, don't link like that. For the record, everybody, piperlime did suggest some shoes that are clarks. I happen to love certain aspects of them and those aspects DO NOT look like shoes in that link.

Also, Heather, I chose not to go down the lane that involves those camo keds flats you wanted. But we can play that game if you want.

HOTNESS!! My friends make fun of me b/c I buy a new pair of black knee-high boots every year. I wear them out THAT hard!
Oh, and I actually grew up in Ohio, so unless I'm much more popular than I think, I doubt my Thanksgiving song made it to Illinois. ;)

Oh heck, can you swing through Chicago and my closet? You can find shoes a plenty, jackets and coats a plenty. And you will NEED them in D.C.

Also, a good pair of Clarks for all the walking you'll be doing is a good idea.

Love, Momma

Diane, I've never had knee-high boots before on account of because of the size of my feet. Buying these would be fulfilling a life-long dream.

Sally, you know where to send stuff. (Real stuff, not junk stuff. You can send junk stuff to Heather.)

I looove Piperlime. I am jealous you were able to purchase from them already.

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