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(volume ii, part I)
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I'd swim across lake Michigan...

I'd sell my shoes
I'd give my body to be back again
In the rest of the room

On Monday, I'll be going to see Sufjan Stevens in concert at The Wiltern with Amanda Mae and Heather.

This will be my first live show in ... about a million years. I don't really go to live shows. I am so very very excited because Sufjan is "artsy" and I like him! And I'm pretty sure I was listening to him before Heather. And also he wrote a CD all about Illinois. So I have lots of reasons to love him. (For more reasons just read his Wikipedia entry. Seriously, I love him.)

And he's single. And we're going to get married.

Anyway, Amanda, a Wiltern pro, sent Heather and I an email a week out to prepare us for the event. My favorite excerpts:

On what to wear:

wear something comfortable, I recommend jeans. Look nice though, because everyone will be judging you.

Comfortable shoes.You'll probably end up standing for something like 4 hours, in one place, without really moving...

No heels or anything, unless you hate yourself and your life.

On where to sit:

Once we get INSIDE the building, we must RUSH to the second terrace so as to get a spot on the wall. We don't want to be ground level, cause you have to look up. If we get second terrace, we'll be eye-level with Suf, perfect for flirting/making eyes/etc.

This will provide us with LEANING room, there's a little wall in front of the terrace. This is our destination.

This will make the show BEARABLE.

On what NOT to do:

Drink lots of water during the day, but:


Do not go to the bathroom during the show. It's very difficult to get to/from your "spot" and people are assholes and will bitch and moan at you about going anywhere, also, people will take your hard-won spot the second you leave, with no compunction.

Do not bring bags or purses. Believe me, you will get so tired of holding your purse you'll want to die.

So, I'm planning on wearing my Sufjan t-shirt with jeans. On the mischance we don't get married I'll at least have my t-shirt.


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in a perfect world amanda mae would run wikipedia. then we would have information AND practical advice at our fingertips.

PSYCH about the t-shirt, Mae-bo.

I am impressed. Your bro invited me to a CSN&Y Concert. Thought it would be cool to go with me. Turns out, they were here September 7. Plus, they are flaming libs!

If he invited me to see Sufjan, I'd go. You know why? 'Cuz I'm like that and he would want to go with me. But I don't know that he'd want to see Sujam either.

I like Sufjan because he's one of the few people who have written a song about my hometown, Ypsilanti, Michigan.

Also, I recommend against wearing the Sufjan T-shirt to the Sufjan show. Don't be that fan.

Gary! I'm offended you would take me seriously. I am so not that person. (See PSYCH above.)

Sally, is Sujam like Toejam?

You'll have a great time, for sure!!

I'm going to see Pete Yorn perform in 10 days! I love surprise concerts =)


probably more like a typo.

btw, ya know the WHO ocncert your bro went to? He now has 3 WHO t-shirts and is awaiting posters from all over the world.

mmm... sufjan


Schilbo, my heart stopped when I saw the t-shirt idea, and I rushed to comments to put a gun to the head of that idea, but you were a tricky devil and kidded me.

Sufjan is both marry, do, and die.

My hostile take-over of wikipedia will begin shortly.

except not die.

I actually thought to myself: "How could Abigail not know about the T-shirt/concert rule? Every cool person knows about that rule, and AS is a cool person, therefore . . . ?"

If married to Sufjan, do you think you would ever call him "Suf" or "Sufs"?

Also, how's the Harry Potter?

this is a cool article about the background of some of the songs on illinoise.

and also they left out the part where he announces his love for me. stupid journalists.

You'd better say hi to us, even if we don't look as good as you guys do.

Also, I am actually wearing my Sufjan t-shirt to the concert. I am not joking. I AM that annoying fan. Again, hopefully you will say hi to us.

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