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There's no relief for the bleeding heart

You know how one minute you're standing on the beach discussing Zach Braff and how hot he is (very) with three of your best friends and the next minute you've got five missed calls from your mom and your life is suddenly changing in very drastic ways because your grandmother (the one you always thought was invincible and would outlive everyone) is in the hospital dying?

It's like that.


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I really hope your grandmother will be okay.

sending good thoughts your way.

i came over because i found a comment you left a while back on my site...i am thinking of you, hope your family can be strong...best of luck

Zach Braff and I send our love. We'll be praying for you!

sorry to hear. God bless.

best wishes....

So sad, Abs! Shifty and crew will be praying.

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