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Bad Advice

"What are you doing?"


"No, I mean, right now, what is that in your hand?"

"Oh. All the Harry Potters."

"And you're packing them?"

"Well, yes, so I can read them."

"All of them?"

"I am going to Hawaii."

"Alright, have you read any of those yet?"

"No, I finished One the other day so it's on the bookshelf. I'm carrying Two on board. And this is just Three through Six."

"Okay, put Three in your suitcase."

"Leave the rest here?"

"Uh huh."



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It IS hard. They look so pretty all in a row.

Do you mean it was bad advice because now you've finished HP#3 in Hawaii and you've run out of HPs to read but you really want to keep reading HP books NOW so much so that you've considered going to the bookstore in Hawaii to buy HP#4?

Or do you mean that you haven't even touched HP#2, in which case you are a bad, bad person?

The first thing.

I reserved self control though and am now safely back at home with #4.

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